chapter 1

Time was not helping she thought, Jayne had been a good track runner since her school days often winning medals and competing to a very good standard but that was then and this was now, life seemed easier in those days when she had not a care in the world and her running and training came much more easier. At 35 years old her body had started to ache and her running after 20 years of pounding the local roads and tracks was starting to not enlighten her anymore.
True to form it was october and she couldn't wait for the annual cross country season to start when she could once again frolic in the mud and trunce all over some of the younger girls that just ran the roads all year but just competed in the cross country leagues to keep fit ready for spring again.
Jayne had always done well at cross country, the rougher the conditions the better was her motto. Great things had happened in her life at cross country meetings, she had met David at the age of twenty at one and for the last fifteen years they had shared a happy life together, even when the twins came along she was still running very late in her pregnancy and started running back soon after they where born. She had hoped Poppy and Hanna now twelve years old would follow in her footsteps and become runners but only time would tell but for now her immediate concern was her running and the fact that it had become stale and it just would not do.
She had thought about life without running but could not face the prospect, another sport and cut back on the miles a bit, but what sport, she had started to get in her usual tiz about it all and it was becoming unbearable.
But the one thing she had more of was time, weekends were now free since David had received promotion and they had both told themselves that they would go away more and spend more time together. Her Mother would have the girls so that wouldn't be a problem either.
As she lay in bed with David that night, restless and not being able to sleep ready for the early start the next day, cases all packed she couldnt wait to be sitting by the lake watching the world go by, the mountains, the clean air, the friendly people, no hustle and bustle, brilliant.
Silly thoughts crossed her mind, had David filled the car up, had she cancelled lunch on Monday with Samantha, Would the girls be okay at her Mums. She told herself silently to calm down and go to sleep but morning wasn't coming fast enough for her, she could here the birds singing outside but it was still only 4.00am. Get to bloody sleep David moaned, 15 minutes later she crept out of bed and quietly made her way downstairs, 2 minutes later she had done it , David wouldnt be pleased but her runing kit was now in the boot of the car. She had promised David a week without training which for her would be a miracle.