Hi everyone.
I'm relatively new to running in any shape or form - I did a couple of 10ks last year - but fancy taking up fell running as I find running on the roads boring. In the circuit classes which I've been doing, we do some running in the hills and on Offas Dyke footpath near Prestatyn. When I can breathe I find it really enjoyable

As my goal for this year - I like to set myself a challenge each year - I'd like to do the Clwydian Fell Race in November. Please can anybody suggest any races, in and around North Wales, which I could enter to build up to this. Not that I race as such - I'm not competetive. I just want to challenge myself and to enjoy it. Also, I'm not a fast runner - 10k on the flat takes me an hour. I don't mind coming last so long as I'm not hours after everyone else .

Thank you