Somebody shouted "free Beer" at the start, which set me off at a good pace (Woger was cleverer than me, and took a short cut). Thanks for the encouragement Geoff and Daz, as you ran past to get to the cakes before me. I found I had great trouble walking later that night, must have been a tough race

I can't believe Daz and Marvin headed off to do it all again, and miss out on the beer. NVMM's obviously got more sense, feigning injury to camp out by the cakes.

Thanks Wynn, Steve, Alex, Ian and all the gang, fantastic race, and the two fry ups weren't bad either . The Anny Waltz has been the annual fell running highlight for me, for the past few years, and it just gets better. I'll look forward to what nastiness you inflict on us, when the waltz becomes a teenager (can't be as bad as Harry)