I seem to have got into something of a habit. Unless I've got at least 90 minutes spare, I won't bother to head for the hills. Consequently, I'm managing 2 to 3 runs a week, each lasting usually around the 2 to 4 hour mark.

However, sometimes I find I've got 30 to 40 mins spare and...PING...the Little Running Angel appears and says "Hey MD. Hows-about a short, fast speed training session or perhaps a few hill reps. Afterall, every minute running goes towards the running goody counter!"

So, I'm just about reaching for the Inov-8s when...DING...the Lard-arse Demon materialises and says "Naah! Total waste of time mate. You're gonna get ya self all messy and sweaty and maybe injured...FOR WHAT? Any road, it's a scientifically proven fact that running for less that 40 mins has no training effect what-so-ever. So put a brew on, sit-back and reach for the Digestives".

Who should I listen to? My Heavenly sister or Satanic bro?