My knee issues have just got serious and i'm out of the game for a while now by the looks of it. The pain, as far as i can see from netdoctor, is located in the Lateral Collateral Ligament on my right knee; i am right legged. It started at Sedbergh Hills and has always been a soreness rather than an injury but it has suddenly escalated to the point where i can barely walk now. If i stretch my ITB it's not painful but any motion in the joint is very painful.

I spoke to my chiro about it and he thinks it's related to a weakness in my ITB. How does that work then? is my ITB too weak to adequetly stabilise the joint?

As the Iron Lady said to the SAS during the Iranian Embassy siege, i don't want an ongoing problem. If anyone has advice on a recovery program i'm all ears, i was thinking about staying off it for 2 weeks then starting gently again with the push bike and swimming, coupled with an ITB strengthening squat exercise with an elastic thingy wrapped around your knees and you stretch it apart while squatting. Anyone do this?

Any advice gratefully recieved, i've not had a problem this bad before but i'm sure it's not uncommon. Thanks.