Hi Kevin. A bit knackered from racing this morning, but now I've read your posts properly I'm not going to complain about being a bit tired ever again...or for a week or two anyway

I'm sure a lot of us recognised some bits of the state you got into towards the end of the run, but I for one have never been near getting that many of them at once. Credit where it's due for keeping going anyway. You just can't fail that close to something as epic as that can you? Not unless you physically can't move any more. I guess what some won't realise is just how remote some of that country is though. I'm pretty sure you could hang around on the Knockfin Heights for weeks without seeing a soul, even in the distance.

Thanks for you kind comments about my book (pause for blushes). PM me or email me (see my LEJOG website). If you can remember the details of the errors I'd like to put corrections up on the website. Mind you I suspect there's enough interest in this thread to continue on the forum for a bit longer, so I'm happy to continue on here as well for anything of more general interest...

...Such as getting a book published. To be honest you'll be very lucky to get such a book published by a mainstream publisher. It would have to be a really good book: an account of an epic journey in itself isn't enough. Most LEJOG accounts have been self-published or published by "vanity" outfits, i.e, you'd have to pay for it and do your own distribution. One thing you could do though is to write an article & see if you can get it published in one of the running or outdoor magazines (e.g. TGO). If you've got some good photos to accompany it that would make a difference, & you'd need to get moving, before the run's too far in the past. That would then be something you could use on publishers. (Not that I did that: it's easier to get a guidebook published, as long as you hit a gap in the market.)

Oh, & I was wondering which hotel saved your bacon. Sounds like Oykel Bridge to me - if so, good for them! I ate there when I walked LEJOG, then slept in one of the fishermen's huts further up the river. Newly creosoted - the smell was with me for days.

Anyone else got publishing tips they can pass on?