Quote Originally Posted by wynn View Post
Have you counted the numbers of walkers going up Catbells on a summer weekend - I have - nearly as many as our race entry. Have you seen the crap our marshals collect every year.... thats nowt to do with our race... have you any idea how much money the race puts back into the valley... that'ed be all the profits....... have you read the CROW Act....

AW is a beautiful race and I thoroughly enjoy it every time I run it. I'm sure that you give loads of money back to the valley, and I don't think I've ever seen it with too many runners, although it came very close the one and only time it was an English Championship race.

But that doesn't mean that it can take an unlimited number of runners, does it? And I think that you should have thought very hard before making that particular statement publicly. People working for our main land owner can and do read the entries on this forum (as you well know!) and it would be a great shame if a careless statement like that led to the withdrawal of permission for the race.

The traffic jam business is an unfortunate side effect of holding a popular event in a valley with narrow lanes. It happens, and, believe me, there are locals who are annoyed by it.