I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced similar to me. After some of my recent longer runs I've had slight pain in one big toe the next morning. It's not serious and doesn't stop me doing anything, more a little niggle really. I think it's some sort of tendinitis in the tendons on the top of my foot as it seems to hurt when lifting my toe.

I think it's being caused by my Mizuno Harriers, during Rombalds stride I had a sore spot on the base of that toe and wrongly assumed it was a blister starting so ignored it. Turned out I had a small pebble embedded in my toe. I think this has also put a dent in the midsole at the same point on that shoe as it feels a little sunken and I've had the same sore spot develop every long run since (and the follwing morning it turns into this weird tendon pain). Do you think it's possible I'm running strangely due to having a sore toe and this is the cause? I wonder if I'm lifting my toes when running to avoid a sore spot and thus overusing the tendons instead.

What do you think?

Sorry for the rambling nature of my post