When running hard (usually more in racing than training.... I don't train very hard!) I quite often experience a very sharp pain in my chest and find it very difficult to catch my breath. About 5 or 6 years ago I went to the doctor as my dad thought I might have exercise-induced asthma as he thinks I wheeze/breath heavily a lot when running (I don't notice myself)... however the doctor (a rather overweight bloke who smokes a lot) basically said it was a normal reaction to exercise. I did have a lung function test (or something similar) which was normal... however it was done after sitting in a waiting room for 20mins, not after or during exercise which is the only time i ever get a problem. I did have an inhaler for a few years, but I'm not sure it really made much difference. However, now that I do a lot more training and racing than back then I am noticing the problem more...
Anyone here suffer from this/something similar? Or do I just need to get fitter??