Right some of you may have seen the problems I had in november with a tight itb and piriformis in my right side which got sorted out pretty quickly at the physio. I recently developed what appeared to be the same issue on my left side. This time I noticed the symptoms and got on it straight away with the stretches the physic shown me and lots of smr work with a roller and hard ball. Things appeared to loosen up nicely and the discomfort subsided. Over the weekend I've noticed my hip now makes a loud popping sound. Don't know the name of the move but say I have my feet together I raise my left leg so it's bent at the knee and my thigh is parallel to the ground. I then rotate my leg so my knee cap is pointing to the left and then put my leg back down to the start position. It's when I put my leg down that my hip makes a loud crack or popping sound. I don't experience any pain at this time put obviously it causes concern.

Should I be worried? What should I do?

Obviously I'm continuing the stretching and smr work in hope that this helps and prevents further ITB piriformis issues. Any other ideas would be greatly received. Zephyr whats your thoughts?

