I apologise for registering on your web site as a non fell runner, but I have a plea that one of you may be able to help with.

We are a team planning to take part in this years Scottish Islands Peaks Race 18/20 May. One of our two fell runners has had to withdraw through injury, leaving us less than 4 weeks to find a replacement capable of running 60 miles up and down 11,500 feet interspersed with periods of sleep deprivation and seasickness, all in a period of approximately 48 hours!

We are all nearing middle age and therefore are not contenders for places, but plan to enjoy ourselves and finish somewhere in the pack.

If you have the time and would like to join us, check us out on



Race details on www.scottishislandspeaksrace.com

Race costs are covered, just need the body!

You can contact me on

[email protected] or 07739 448878
