Hi everyone,

Well since completing the BGR in June, I have had some slight issues with my hip flexor (just one of them), it appears to a very on and off injury as such, as it comes and goes....

I personally think its just tightness (I did have sports massage 10 days after attempt and physio mentioned it was a tiny bit tight then, but nothing to worry about and that I could still train and just run on feelings - which is how I train anyway). I completed the L50 6 weeks later.

Anyway suppose I best get to the point...
It hurts at night and during the night
Also sometimes affects my hill climbing :angry:

I do a lot of strength and core work which is why I feel its not a weakness, I have recently started doing a stretch advised by Clivebaby and wondered if anybody had any further advice out there???

I have the Ripon ultra 35 on Saturday 6th October and I am also a Fitness Instructor so complete rest is extremely hard to come by!!