On Friday last, I ran the Turner Landscape race route (in Duddondale http://www.harveymaps.co.uk/acatalog...ce-YHFRTL.html ) but added White Pike to Caw, before returning to Seathwaite and back along the road to the campsite. What a nightmare for sore legs on a blisteringly hot day! The route from White Pike to Caw was thoroughly...erm.... entertaining and easily the most challenging part of the entire route. I now understanding why this isn't part of the actual race route.

Firstly, finding a decent route off White Pike was a complete headache and then trying to workout a runnable line to Caw. Huge rocky intrusions, too big to run around, but too high to just 'skip' off, as their south faces tended to be sheer slabs - confused the way, with a labyrinth of bogs in between.

Far worse was the way the landscape presented a succession of false summits (Pikes) - all very Caw-like. Given that they had mini paths up them, this either means the sheep in that vicinity have a wicked sense of humour or a few other folk have been equally lulled into 'visiting' too. I wasn't quite reduced to sobbing but I'll admit to snarling mutterings under my breathe.

Got me thinking, where are the worst false summits in the Lake District to be found (I'm sure Scotland and Wales are well blessed with some corkers too)?

(By the way, Caw is a real little delight, and the top ledge, under the trig, would make a really wicked panoramic wild camp spot).