No not more ways to slice and dice the data but following on from the "Winning Women" thread I've an idea on how to capture reasons for failure.

I'm currently trying to make things a bit easier for people to let me know that they have failed. It's similar to how contenders can "manage" the date/time of their attempt in that they enter a ten character registration ID and they are taken to a form to fill in.

So if someone fails on the round they enter their ten character ID, on the form they need to enter their email address and then I'm thinking of a drop down box with reasons for non-success. So far I have:

Did not start
Completed but in more than 24hrs
Ran out of time
Bad weather

I'm thinking of options like:

Pulled out at Threlkeld (or earlier)
Pulled out at Dunmail Raise (or earlier)

As it's a bit much to have an option for every top and road crossing. A different way might be to have the last option as:

Got as far as... (use the text box below)

Then they can enter peak name, road crossing or whatever.

I'm sure I've missed something, so any ideas?