Quote Originally Posted by Travs View Post
Hello to the Pennine forum contingent... GeoffB in support as always, and PatrickBarry and RichardB , nice to briefly meet you both.

Nice to briefly meet Travs - you seemed to moving well through the switch-backs in the quarries.
I'd dropped to the half due to 2 and half months of inactivity on back of injury and a debut dose of covid. I wasn't expecting much as I've not been running, am carrying weight, but The Peris is too tempting to miss.
Probably went better than could have hoped - injury seems to have cleared up, finished in about 2.15 - 15 minutes down on what I went through on the Full last year. Devoid of any semblance of fitness, climbing was rubbish, descending not so bad - nothing changes.
Got a bottle of wine and box of fudge for coming 1st v50 - quite possible I was the only v50 in the field :-)

Think there were about 80 starters across the Half and Full distance - Welsh races always thinner than across the border but still mystifying why the field isn't twice the size as it is just a magnificent pure fell-running test.