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Thread: Anniversary Waltz

  1. #761
    Master Pudgy's Avatar
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    Oi! Leave it Alone!

    Re: Anniversary Waltz

    Somebody shouted "free Beer" at the start, which set me off at a good pace (Woger was cleverer than me, and took a short cut). Thanks for the encouragement Geoff and Daz, as you ran past to get to the cakes before me. I found I had great trouble walking later that night, must have been a tough race

    I can't believe Daz and Marvin headed off to do it all again, and miss out on the beer. NVMM's obviously got more sense, feigning injury to camp out by the cakes.

    Thanks Wynn, Steve, Alex, Ian and all the gang, fantastic race, and the two fry ups weren't bad either . The Anny Waltz has been the annual fell running highlight for me, for the past few years, and it just gets better. I'll look forward to what nastiness you inflict on us, when the waltz becomes a teenager (can't be as bad as Harry)

  2. #762

    Re: Anniversary Waltz

    Quote Originally Posted by Stolly View Post
    Bugger 204th out of 413 finishers and 9 retirees - a shining beacon of averageness then . Just 16 seconds behind Graham Breeze mind and, if I'm guessing right, not that far behind Moo either.

    If only I hadn't twitted about putting on my windproof on Robinson, taken a better line off of Hindscarth, followed GB on his left hand line on the final hill before Catbells and...... well, generally run faster
    Funny that. I have been calculating how easy it could have been to make up 19 seconds and be 3rd V60, not 4th; ie take the left hand line up Robinson and avoid the crags, not fall over coming off Dale Head and cramp up, etc

  3. #763
    Master Stolly's Avatar
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    Re: Anniversary Waltz

    Quote Originally Posted by GrahamB View Post
    Funny that. I have been calculating how easy it could have been to make up 19 seconds and be 3rd V60, not 4th; ie take the left hand line up Robinson and avoid the crags, not fall over coming off Dale Head and cramp up, etc
    - That reminds me, I took that stupid line up to the crag on Robinson too. In fact my whole race was a sequence of following people who clearly didn't know what they were doing!

  4. #764

    Re: Anniversary Waltz

    Quote Originally Posted by Stolly View Post
    - That reminds me, I took that stupid line up to the crag on Robinson too. In fact my whole race was a sequence of following people who clearly didn't know what they were doing!
    I presume you don't include me since I think I overtook you towards Cat Bells?

    Robinson: I have taken several routes over the years including the left route which I think is steeper, longer but smoother. My recollection is that there is not much in it but when it is windy the crag route is less secure.

    Most runners go up the right hand route because it appears to be shorter but obviously were I ever to be nearer the front I would watch which way Simon Booth and Lloyd go!

  5. #765
    Master Stolly's Avatar
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    Re: Anniversary Waltz

    Graham your line was very good when you went past but I chose to ignore it and follow a crap one instead . You were miles in front come Catbells but my mental descent down to Stair clawed back some of that, although I was never in danger of actually catching you.

  6. #766
    Senior Member wynn's Avatar
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    Re: Anniversary Waltz

    Quote Originally Posted by Pudgy View Post
    Somebody shouted "free Beer" at the start, which set me off at a good pace (Woger was cleverer than me, and took a short cut). Thanks for the encouragement Geoff and Daz, as you ran past to get to the cakes before me. I found I had great trouble walking later that night, must have been a tough race

    I can't believe Daz and Marvin headed off to do it all again, and miss out on the beer. NVMM's obviously got more sense, feigning injury to camp out by the cakes.

    Thanks Wynn, Steve, Alex, Ian and all the gang, fantastic race, and the two fry ups weren't bad either . The Anny Waltz has been the annual fell running highlight for me, for the past few years, and it just gets better. I'll look forward to what nastiness you inflict on us, when the waltz becomes a teenager (can't be as bad as Harry)
    Harry is not a teenager and he's lovely too (thats his Granny speaking!!)
    When all else fails and your soul needs a lift - head to the hills

  7. #767

    Re: Anniversary Waltz

    There's must be something in the Lakeland streams we drink out of.


    Does my bum look big in this?

  8. #768
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Re: Anniversary Waltz

    The crag route was clearly slower on the day - I started at the back and started working through after 1K, and one of the athletes I passed early on, almost drew level with me by the time I got to the top of the left route where the runners were joining me.
    I would estimate somewhere between 30s and 1 minute cost by taking the crag route.

    But some of this is not the route, it was very congested getting around the top craggy bit, and that cost some time.

  9. #769
    Senior Member wynn's Avatar
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    Re: Anniversary Waltz

    Junior results on website.
    When all else fails and your soul needs a lift - head to the hills

  10. #770
    Senior Member wynn's Avatar
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    Re: Anniversary Waltz

    To everyone that helped (before during and after) ran or just turned up to watch, thank you we had a great Anniversary Waltz.
    Special Thanks to the marshals that fought the wind on the tops..... (Gordon, Spike and Eileen's improvisation when the results sheet disappeared towards buttermere from Robinson - Carol and Sandra, smiling and encouraging on Hindscarth, Kev Ronnie and Mike on DaleHead, Rob, Lawrie and Yianni's flat tent and flag on Highspy and Anne and Louise's epic treck to Catbells) showed true dedication.
    Ian and his Boley crew for the magnificent carparking, feeding and organisation not to mention plumbing the beer in.......... God bless Jennings
    Bec on the cake stall.
    John/Tim for the food.
    Pete Bland Sports for turning up with the van and our prizes,numbers radios etc.
    To Alex and Zita our lovely Daughters for doing what they do best - (looking after the old ones) and registration / results along with Rebecca, Kathie, Fiona and Richard.
    Rob for not paying his entry in coppers
    Bec on the cake stall,
    to Joss and Leah for the first aid and anything else,
    Andy Chammings a patch of calm at junior registration,
    Pam, Andy, Mel and Raife - Start/Finish with Darren and Pauline.
    The Cliffy Clan (Ian Keith And Mum) John Storey and Tom for the gates on the way out to the fell.
    Ian and Pat Roberts for turning out when they had a wedding to go to.
    Bec on the cake stall,
    Kitchen pixies Jackie and Peter,
    and anyone else i've missed (Sorry)
    Oh, Oh, Oh and Graham Bond who got left on a gate for 4 hours - again!!!! ......Sorry
    And Bec have you stopped dreaming about cake yet????
    to all THANK YOU we had a great time.....
    Last edited by wynn; 22-04-2008 at 05:57 PM.
    When all else fails and your soul needs a lift - head to the hills

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