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Thread: Solo rounds

  1. #1
    Master IainR's Avatar
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    NH, USA

    Solo rounds

    I fancy a crack at the BGR some time in the next few years, but fancy either a fast time or a solo run.

    At the moment the solo idea is appealing. I'd love to do one of the rounds solo and reckon the BGR is the most amenable to run solo.

    Now to be strictly solo is that just running without any pacers, food carriers etc, so no hill support. Does support at road crossings mean it is no longer solo? Or would that be solo supported?

    Would solo unsupported be a solo run with no road support, but are prior food drops acceptable.

    A bit anal I know - i'm just unsure what all the definitions mean.

  2. #2

    Re: Solo rounds

    All very valid stuff!

    Strictly solo I see as meaning no support at all. This means to me no road support, no prior stashes of food, nothing apart from what you carry and what you can naturally get/catch on route e.g water

    Solo Supported can mean road support and/or prior stashes

    My take on it anyway.

    Now along those lines and also relevant to Iain's thoughts on BG.

    Onsight a term used in climbing is no prior practice or in running terms recce's. Would you consider if you know the area but have not recce'd the actual route an onsight attempt or not?

  3. #3
    Master Bob's Avatar
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    Re: Solo rounds

    I think, from memory, that Martin Stone came up with:

    Solo - on your own, food drops allowed
    Solo supported, on your own on the fells, support allowed at road crossings.

    I reckon the Ramsay would be preferable as a solo. Solo on the BG is just ignoring lots of walkers on the fells and traffic on the roads.

  4. #4
    Master wheezing donkey's Avatar
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    Re: Solo rounds

    Iain, I think that there would be a fair split of opinion as to what constitutes Solo Unsupported.
    There are some real purist hard men like Glyn Jones from the Galloway area who did a solo unsupported Southern Upland Way, setting off with a 30lb pack that contained all the food that he would require for 6 days, plus sleeping bag and plastic bivvi-shelter - in Glyn's definition unsupported means not using any pre-constructed shelters ( sheep-folds, barns, bothies or your mate's van).
    For my 50th I did a Scottish C2C (Stonehaven to Fort William - although some purists would say that Fort Bill is a good way up a sea loch and does not constitute the 'coast'; I was happy to dip my toe in tidal water).
    I was definitely solo, but had posted food drops to the P.O.'s in Braemar and Dalwhinnie ( packets of Complan and glucose to mix with burn water en-route). I set off with an 18lb pack that included my Goretex bivvi bag, but also used bothies, bunk houses and youth hostels. I ate in cafes in Braemar and Dalwhinnie and raided the 'spare, abandonded food' shelves at the youth hostels. All my hill-going mates declared the trip to be 'unsupported'. I was not bothered one way or the other; it was a great way to celebrate my 50th and a memorable trip that really lit my candle; after all, I was doing it for me - no-one else!

  5. #5
    Master wheezing donkey's Avatar
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    Re: Solo rounds

    Quote Originally Posted by AJF View Post
    All very valid stuff!

    Now along those lines and also relevant to Iain's thoughts on BG.

    Onsight a term used in climbing is no prior practice or in running terms recce's. Would you consider if you know the area but have not recce'd the actual route an onsight attempt or not?
    Not a climber; BUT if a climber did a route that he had never been on before, DESPITE having done other routes (totally different lines) on the same crag, would that not constitute 'on sight', even though that climber had a previous familiarity with the area?
    Last edited by wheezing donkey; 10-09-2008 at 03:58 PM.

  6. #6

    Re: Solo rounds

    Quote Originally Posted by wheezing donkey View Post
    ...I was doing it for me - no-one else!
    ...and that's the crucial point. Your challenge, your rules.

  7. #7
    Master IainR's Avatar
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    Re: Solo rounds

    Good point Bob. Think you may be right about the solo Ramsay. There's a good chance that you could see noone for the whole round.



  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: Solo rounds

    The website offers definitions for:

    supported - pacers and or roadside support or shops/cafes
    unsupported - no pacers or road support but food dumps allowed
    self-sufficient - carry your own food, only naturally occurring water or food
    can be taken on.

    The definitions page goes into a little more detail. The unsupported or self-sufficient attempts could be solo or group. Perhaps the important point is to make clear the difference between unsupported and self-sufficient.

  9. #9
    Master MorganW's Avatar
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    Re: Solo rounds


    I have had various enquiries from people wanting to do solo or unsupported rounds of the BG.

    In terms of history, most solos have been done by those who did the BG in trad fashion first, but a number of recent enquiries have come from people who are/were planning a solo as their first BG.

    I have copies of emails I have prepared and sent to others on the topic. Rather than clog up this thread with material sent to others in response to specific questions they asked me, I would be happy to share some of this information with you via PM if you want to email me at [email protected]


  10. #10
    Senior Member idler's Avatar
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    Re: Solo rounds

    Just on Wheezing Donkey's point, yes that would still be on-sight, but with a bit of prior knowledge.

    In climbing, the on-sight flash is most highly prized - only the information you've gained looking up from the ground. In practise, most ascents are contaminated to some extent by 'beta' - prior knowledge of the route - legend, crucial moves, key bit of gear, etc. On a hill run, it's a given I'd have thought.

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