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Thread: GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a rant

  1. #1
    Master molehill's Avatar
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    GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a rant

    I have suffered for some years with a worsening back & right hip problem, but being a man done nothing about it. Till 12 months ago when I went to my GP. He showed no interest and told me I wasn't that bad as I could still walk into the surgery, he couldn't do anything for me and wouldn't refer me to a back specialist as the wait was too long + not bad enough.
    I told him I kept fit and it was effecting my ability to run, I was in pain much of the time etc. etc. ..... but to no avail. Things improved when I changed the bed (to a firm one) and I stretch a lot (I worked this out), but still I suffered with one leg not functioning properly, and little feeling in the leg.

    So a few weeks ago I went to the local osteopath (private), one session, some serious 'clonking' in my back and £35.00 later ..... a miracle . Just had a follow up session and feel great. Back and hip like new.

    It seriously bugs me that the NHS and GP's seem completely uninterested in those of us who make an effort with our health and fitness. Yet if I went in as a fat, smoking, unfit lardarse, I could probably have consultations, pills and disabled benefits till I die.
    Is this not slightly short sighted of them?

    Saw a W. Mercia runner briefly today, injured (not from running), but he was told by his GP that he shouldn't be running up and down mountains at his age, he was just plain stupid. He's the same age as me, mid 50s .
    The end is nigh

  2. #2
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Re: GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a

    Completely agree. Most GP's are utterly unsympathetic to what we want to do or they don't know a good way out.
    The specialists allied to medicine (physio/osteo/chiro) have a lot to offer. Sometimes you may be able to get there via the NHS but otherwise you have to shell out. Most importantly, listen to what they say and get them to print out an exercise programme and then bolster your knowledge with all the free resources on the net.
    Also, the latest mag has a good article in it. Essentially, our 'core' is only meant to last 25 years and then its knacked. Masai Warriors run about like lunatics for 20 years and then spend the rest of their lives sitting down and being sagely. We are trying to cheat time, but why not eh??
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  3. #3
    Senior Member clodhopper's Avatar
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    Re: GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a

    Yep. Remember 20 years ago loosing faith with GP's as a sufferer of Chondromalacia Pattella seeking help from the doctor. I remember I hadn't seen my GP before so was mildely surprised at the stark resemblance of my GP to Mr Creosote (of Monty Python fame). I was a beguiner runner at the time and he told me I was silly to run as not everyone was up to it and I should just stop. He's probably died of a heart attack now or at least suffering chronicly with diabetes.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member bestathlete's Avatar
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    Re: GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a

    When Physio diagnosed my stress fracture in 2004 he suggested I got it x-rayed as possible additional confirmation. I went to GP to ask to be referred to X-ray dept. She said it shouldnt really come under the NHS if I had done it by running as that was my choice. But she did agree to refer me 'cos she could see it was having an effect on my normal quality of life. Gee whiz thanks doc.

    Anyway, the Xrays were inconclusive after all.

    But what an attitude eh? What about people who crash bikes/cars whilst making non vital trips for leisure, or break both legs doing a charity parachute jump? Do they get left lying in agony by the side of the road?
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  5. #5
    Senior Member wycoller's Avatar
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    Re: GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a

    as a teenager (long time ago) had some serious problems after a 40 mile run/walk. Doctor was very dismissive and told me that the human body wasn't built to do such things.

    However been to hospital today for the last of a series of injections in my foot. Consultant knows I run and I told him about having a sore foot after XC on Saturday. He promised to try and keep me running as long as possible.

    Perhaps depends on who you see?

  6. #6

    Re: GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a

    I don't quite get your point, Molehill.

    Rather than suffer for a long time presumably the conclusion is to pay out £35.00 a session with a decent physio to get a running injury fixed. What I mean is you don't really expect your GP to deal in running injuries.

    I am also uneasy with the general idea on this forum that we are more deserving cases than smokers or fat people. It may or may not be true but I do think we risk coming across as health fascists.

  7. #7
    Master XRunner's Avatar
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    Re: GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    It may or may not be true but I do think we risk coming across as health fascists.
    I get the impression that most fell runners are hypochondriacs and are unsympathetic about injuries to other runners.
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  8. #8
    Master molehill's Avatar
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    Re: GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a

    The thing is Chris, I had pain so I went to my GP. He effectively told me that I wasn't bad enough to be worth treating, especially when I said that I still ran - even though it hurt and I limped a lot. His attitude was, if I could still walk then I wasn't a worthy case for looking at, plus he said " we can't do anything for you anyway".
    So I left it for a year, and carried on, I recently though 'this is silly' I must try something - so went to see the osteo (the one he wouldn't refer me to), one session later and I'm better than for years.
    Just by the way, turned out the osteo is also a runner and stated how much easier it was to treat people who attempted to look after themselves and stay fit etc.
    I have no problems about paying out now, if he mends me, fine - but how come I couldn't get £35 worth of treatment off the NHS ? I don't ask for much from them.
    The end is nigh

  9. #9
    Master molehill's Avatar
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    Re: GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a

    I might add that it is NOT a running injury ( my osteo said 'keep running, it's good for you). It's from an imbalance in my structure on one side, and probably 30 years of manual work lifting heavy weights.
    Just squashing some nerves or something, running was a relief, usually.
    The end is nigh

  10. #10

    Re: GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a

    Molehill if you say your injury affects your job or your quality of life you get a better response from doctors


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