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Thread: Fra Egm

  1. #31

    Re: Fra Egm

    Quote Originally Posted by Trundler View Post
    Well, we'll find out in the fullness of time whether "procrastination" was a fair word to use.

    I imagine most members (like me) want this to be cleared up quickly and not rumble on until the next AGM, and UKA have already had more than one chance to clarify their stance.
    It is noteworthy that athletic disciplines other than fell running are losing patience with UKA and their unelected bureacratic structure.

    For example attention is drawn to the formation of "The Association of Running Clubs" (ARC) for clubs who participate in events other than track and field and who do not wish to affiliate to England Athletics. It has its own race Permit system and insurance. See link below.

    The FRA already has its own race registration scheme and could easily finance its own insurance. In my opinion it's high time that the FRA became independent from the failing UKA organisation without further ado.

  2. #32
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Fra Egm

    The ARC home page stating its position reads like a summary of what the FRA is. Agreed, Baldy, we are not the only ones reacting to the demands of an overweening and apparently uncaring organisation. With evidence like this, I would have thought that the FRA Sub Committee would not have much difficulty reaching a conclusion about which way to go with this. Lets hear what they have to say....the sooner the better.
    Simon Blease

  3. #33
    Senior Member Max's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Its all to do with MONEY !!!!

    & control.
    BEWARE, my club has been asked to take a visit from a staff member of Scottish Athletics who is coming to tell us that we have a cheap sport (about 18 pence a week) & our club subscriptions in future should be about £30 a MONTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will let you all know what is said.


    "Do as little as needed not as much as possible" - Henk Kraayenhof.

    Never be afraid to take a profit.

  4. #34
    Since the last report from the Future Options Subcommittee was before their meeting with UKA on 8 Nov 2006, no doubt there'll be a progress report in the forthcoming issue of the Fell Runner.

    I look forward to that.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Bredbury, Stockport

    Exclamation Re: Fra Egm

    Hope this works as it is my first attempt on the forum. Yes views are entrenched but there needs to be proper consideration, especially what it would mean for the person who competes. I do nothing but fell races but what would it mean to someone who still wanted to do cross-country, road or track and field - two lots of clubs, affiliation fees etc. That is if UK Athletics don't put up barriers. If they did what would this mean for our sport.

    D.J. has many valid points but so do the Committee and the much maligned UK Athletics. Anyone reading Athletics Weekly over the last year will have picked up the dissention in track and field and now road running and splinter groups being formed. Fell Running is no different it seems, except we are backed up by the FRA that do far more for us than we give them credit for.

    Let's not forget UK Athletics is under pressure to modernise and riding on this is a lot of money, or the lack of it if they don't. Everything could be greener on the 'other side' for us all or we could end up with a whole host of new let's await the facts as our decision will affect fell runners for years to come, and we owe it to all those who worked so hard in setting up the FRA and getting us where we are.
    Last edited by Alan Bocking; 07-03-2007 at 09:15 PM. Reason: I'm not a junior!!!

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