I've never found a cure Stagger, just identified the triggers for it and found that St John's Wort seemed to help although it can have adverse effects if taken with other medication...
Possible side-effects
The most common side-effects are dry mouth, dizziness, gut symptoms, increased sensitivity to sunlight, and tiredness.

Possible risks
St John's wort sometimes reacts with other drugs. So:

You should not take it if you are taking warfarin, cyclosporin, oral contraceptives, anticonvulsants, digoxin, theophylline, or certain anti-HIV drugs. This is because it may reduce the effect of these drugs.
You should not take it at the same time as taking an SSRI antidepressant (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) or a triptan drugs used for migraine (such as sumatriptan). This is because it has an additive effect to these drugs which can cause problems.
Also, you should not take St John's wort if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as it has not been proved to be safe in these situations.

Because of the uncertain effectiveness, possible side-effects, and possible interactions with other drugs, many doctors now do not recommend that St John's wort should be used. Also, if you have moderate or severe depression, it is generally best that you see a doctor who can advise on treatments and monitor your progress.
Something i found on the internet there, i've never had any problems with it and it takes the edge off i found, i've also tried Damiana root extract but it had no effect.

The only solid advice i can give is to try and figure out what the trigger for it was and start there, i had a dip which coincided with ITBS halting my running and it was agonising not being able to go for a run which i found was a good counter for it; that and cycling. I'd also advise you to think carefully before starting with uppers, i've heard from my cousin who was on them that you become reliant on them and find them difficult to kick. PM me anytime.