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Thread: Bike hills for the fells

  1. #1

    Bike hills for the fells

    Anyone else found that seated bike hills are particularly effective for the fells? I've found it's a similar movement/quad burn to climbing the steeper stuff. I've been carrying a niggle recently so been doing quite a few sessions on the spin bike but I think I'll continue them even when I'm back to normal mileage.

    Anyone found anything else useful?

  2. #2
    Yep. Riding hilly routes on the bike is great for me. (Seated or otherwise.) I have a delicate achilles that means if I run too much I injure it and have to stop. So I choose to do 80% of my training on the bike. It means that my aerobic fitness is right up there, along with my climbing ability.

    Where I lose out is descending, as you don't get the same eccentric loading of the legs in cycling. (Using your legs to brake.)I'm about as fast, but it hammers my legs something rotten and takes longer to recover from a race.

    But if it means I can perform better in fewer events, then so be it. It works for me.

    Best of luck with your niggles.

  3. #3
    Of course, like any sport, specificity is one of the key aspects of a training programme. So running up and down hills is always going to be the prime training focus for a fell runner. However cycling can be the next best thing if it reduces injury, fits in with your life better, or is something you enjoy.

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