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Thread: More Mile Cheviot 3

  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by molehill View Post
    2 pairs of nice bright Cheviot 3s arrived in the post the first pair and one of the laces is stuck under the footbed, odd I thought tugging away, lifted the footbed and the end of the lace was stitched into the bed of the shoe, out of sight. No chance of moving it or pulling out.

    A pair to return, b*****r!

    Dear Molehill your post perplexes me?

    Is it so we will wonder how even such a wise and experienced runner/walker as you can forget, in your attempt to save a penny or two, that to buy cheap is to get cheap?

    Or is it so we loyal Forum readers will ponder that even after INOV-8 has produced the finest range of fell shoes known to man some people will resist buying them out of perversity?

    Back in the mists of time, for my local newspaper, I reviewed the first INOV-8 shoe and my positive appraisal eventually found its way to the INOV-8 website, after which the company became staggeringly successful and a worldwide brand.

    I know, I know....but pro bono publico.

    Anyway, since then I have used no other fell shoe so please believe me (and not those who live in Addingham and still use candles because they don't trust this newfangled electricity) when I say that, like Mercedes-Benz cars, INOV-8 is simply the best.
    Last edited by Graham Breeze; 06-01-2017 at 07:32 PM.
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  2. #52
    Master molehill's Avatar
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    I've been through PBs, innov8 and many other overpriced fellshoes, and I demolish the lot.
    But I reckon 3 pairs of more mile cost the same as I pair of "proper shoes", but a single expensive pair have never lasted as long as 3 cheap pairs.

    Keep with the cheap!

  3. #53
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    So after a year of racing and modest training, the midsole on my left hand shoe started separating. Not a full scale failure like Pat's but obviously a precursor. Stuck 'em back with Gorilla Glue. Lets see how that lasts. The uppers are holding up perfectly though and in all other respects the shoes are performing as well as any £90-120 quid pair!

    Moley, aint you ever heard of stanley knives???
    Simon Blease

  4. #54
    Master DrPatrickBarry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wheeze View Post
    Stuck 'em back with Gorilla Glue. Lets see how that lasts.
    I actually glued mine with shoe goo, which worked great for another 150 km until the other one fell apart. Not repairable this time

  5. #55
    I'm quite enjoying mine - grip is very good. On first use i felt a little unstable in them, but a close look revealed that the central set of cleats in the heel protruded around 3mm more than the surrounding ones. A quick trim up made them feel a lot more stable

  6. #56
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Hey Dagwood, what do you do about 3mm protrusions from the ground?? (visions of a chap running behind a steamroller!!)

    Anyway, the gorilla glue fix seems to be holding up OK, raced a couple of weekends back and trained a few times. So, just ordered a new pair in red so the current blue ones can gracefully retire to training only! Pretty happy that they have held up over a year with non of the upper ripping of the old model. Midsole delamination can be fixed and anyway, it seems to be an issue not restricted to MM
    Simon Blease

  7. #57
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    Finally laid mine to rest today. After a good years service they fell to bits spectacularly about 3 miles from the car. The whole upper came away from the sole. Still worth the £29 they cost though.

  8. #58
    Mmm... See, every time I think about trying a pair I read about something like that. However long they lasted beforehand, a catastrophic failure 3 miles from the car doesn't work for me! 😜 Even worse on a race. Shame, as the grip looks pretty awesome.

  9. #59
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    The grip is awesome. Many shoes seem to fail these days....probably a price to pay for increased grip. Moral...check your shoes regularly.

  10. #60
    Master DrPatrickBarry's Avatar
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    Marple, Manchester
    Another stunning failure (after 500Km this time) on a Pennine race saturday. Will not be buying them again.

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