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Thread: mr b's latest comeback

  1. #391
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    14.5m fast ride to Otley and back on friday.

    19.2m/2450' ride in dales today, Storiths-Appletreewick-Burnsall-Linton-Grassington-Hebden-Fancarl Crag-Skyreholme-Storiths. Pint of pale ale at Linton. 1h12m for this with an ave. spd. of 16mph, never broken the 16mph barrier before for this route. 38.5mph max. spd. past the Clarendon in Hebden.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  2. #392
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Very painful Chinese acupuncture session on thursday, she says there's masses of trapped energy in me, some of them felt like hot nails.

    26m fast ride to Ilkley and back friday evening

    14 reps of Elbolton Hill today, total 3500' of ascent. Going to have to start earlier, took a while to get through 14, fairly late snack at the pub after.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  3. #393
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    26m fast ride to Ilkley and back last friday evening. Had to back off a bit due to a quads tendon strain, the right one again, i think there is a bit of scar tissue in there causing problems.

    40m fast ride to Buffers and back today; Horsforth-Bramhope-Otley-Ilkley-Addingham (or Ordingam as Tour officials like to call it)-Buffers and back the same way. 2h25m, 16.5 av/spd, hit 39mph on that awful, shitty new section dropping down to the Wharfe from Storiths and got a bit of a nasty wiggle on. Terrible surface, uneven and poorly carried out work. It's so unfashionable to use actual tarmac these days when repairs are being made, just splatter some tar on it and stamp a load of stones in- it'll do.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  4. #394
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Just one ride again, 26m fast one to Ilkley and back on friday, 19.5mph ave/spd. Need to rethink the schedule, this quads tendon strain is sticking around, haven't done any hill reps for a while now.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  5. #395
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    I think it's time to give this thread a rest. I'm not actually coming back from anything or making any headway, for the better part this hip injury is intractable. It resists all attempts to discover its origin and pathology, for now it is keeping its secrets.

    My approach now is one of detatching myself mentally from the outcome of this situation. I must focus on being completely indifferent to the fact that i might not be a runner any more, and place my fate and future as a runner in the hands of whatever higher power may exist. I'm just going to do whatever i can on the bike and on the leg press, and feel blessed that i can.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  6. #396
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    I think the hip injury is gone. Is was fascitis, three years of stretching and some brutal friction release and it looks like it's gone. I found a totally new way to be in pain too...deep fascia release. Spending up to 20 mins with someone's elbow in the front of your hip.

    I made a jump in milage recently and found that my lower back problems are causing my left leg to overcompensate and produce pain through the lateral retinaculum. Oddly this is what was happening in my right leg ten years earlier. So far I'm just keeping the 11m runs going and trying to avoid getting into a situation where it's badly microtorn. Davis' rule says it will become more resistant over time, but the pattern of overloading will be long term because of how my spine is changing as I age.

    Its always a very lonely battle, that's what I've noticed as I've careered from one injury issue to the next. You fight it in your mind totally alone. It's a fight to do what you can and not what you want. I had gained all the underpinning knowledge to diagnose problems and prescribe remedial action a long time ago, so there's nobody in the world to make decisions on my behalf. The physio giving the damning verdicts and prescribing efficacious remedies is now me. I honestly don't know why the best I can do within the limitations of my biomechanics isn't good enough. I slowly eek more and more out of myself as if the definition of maximum is somehow flexible or unlimited.

  7. #397
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Need to get racing again. I've been building on what I know I can do well and it's been too long since I crossed swords.

  8. #398
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    My understanding is that there has been a lack of running related chat on the old forum and too much political waffle while i've been out of the game and depressed. So in order to lead from the front i'm going to resurrect this old goat of a thread and see if we can't redress the balance a little. I'm trying to settle into a rotating 2wk pattern which covers my needs and enables plenty of rest.

    Wk1- Thurs: 5k speed endurance
    Sat: 9m speed endurance
    Sun: 50m bike to Craven Arms and back
    Tue: Horsforth Harriers social run
    Wed: Pilates

    Wk2- Thurs: 5k speed endurance
    Sat: Parkrun
    Sun: AM run in dales, >2000' climb, <11m distance
    Tue: Tai Chi
    Wed: Pilates

    5k speed endurance; an undulating route through woods and over fields with 395'. The idea is to get a fast turnover going and keep it going. This is easy over the fields, but i crest the hills in 02 debt with a lot of lactic buildup. Giving 100% every time is tricky as all my mind wants to do is back off and save itself from the torment. This is where the suffering/central governor training lies.

    9m speed endurance; essentially the route of the Round Hill fell race at race speed, the idea being to not slow down at all from end to end. The gradient up to Round Hill is very good at wearing you down gradually, i get into the jelly legs zone and just hold it there all the way up keeping my leg speed high.

    50m bike ride; serves as a slow twitch/endurance session, no more.

    Horsforth Harriers social run; this is a run out with a slow group around 5-7m, serves to increase the amount of muscle memory associated with a clean gait and gets me up on my toes and bouncing through the calves/plantar fascia tissue chain. I also might meet a woman who will date me.

    Pilates; very important for spinal flexibility and proprioception.

    Parkrun; leg speed and redlining my aerobic system. This is the best way i know of to learn to suffer very badly and come out of it smiling.

    AM run; purely to keep my articular cartilage used to loading. I don't have a competetive advantage on climbs and strength training always leads to issues, so this is quite an easy session, just chewing away at the hills and keeping going. Nothing to be gained from pushing it but problems.

    Tai Chi; underrated as a spinal flexibilty system, also the forms and breathing calm the central nervous system.

    Other: AM run sometimes switched to 'Full Tour of the Fairy Hills'. A nasty little stinger of a route, 5.5m/1700', always feel the climbs in the calves and the descents are very technical.

    Daily stretching.

    Not doing: Hill reps; only aggravates weaknesses, no significant benefits for me.
    Big climbs; many thousands of feet in one bite just give me kneecap problems.
    Fixed systems like m-pace, tinman tempo, LSRs

    Main aim is to become a category B specialist, because that's what i'm built for and that's what i'm good at.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  9. #399
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    This was todays run, the Two Dales AM route. Went a bit faster than usual.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  10. #400
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr brightside View Post
    Main aim is to become a category B specialist, because that's what i'm built for and that's what i'm good at.
    That sounds very sensible. Stick to what you're good at and can do while staying injury-free. Good to see this thread resurrected. And you're right - we need more chat about running.

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