Basically what Travs says should get you fit enough to be higher up the field and also see you through an AM/AL.
Not sure where you are based but if you have access to hills, drop some of the gym sessions in favour of a run but keep up the core/strength work. Hill reps or at least any run with reasonable amount of ascent and descent preferably twice a week. A fast focussed 30-45 minute effort and a longer slow one 1.5 hours are what I would go for to start off. Focus on quality not quantity. Aim for 75-80% max effort and don't over do it - save that for race day. And don't increase weekly distance/ascent more than 10% week on week.
If you are still cycling, again incorporating as many hills as possible will help no-end. If you are struggling with time due to family etc. try including this as part of your daily routine. Can you commute to work etc?