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Thread: Depression

  1. #491
    Join Date
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    Within sight of Leicestershire's Beacon Hill
    Quote Originally Posted by Wheeze View Post
    To Live, To Love, To Learn, To Leave a Legacy.

    Just a vessel for the onward transmission of DNA.

    Thats all there is! No mystery really.
    Hmmm, how do we unpack that, Wheeze?

    Your second line reminds me that someone once told me that a tree is a device used by a seed to propagate its genes. The human equivalent of that is fairly obvious, but it's a rather bleak view of human existence. Indeed, a view that is rather likely to cause Depression, especially in single, childless people. [By the way, Leaf, how are you getting on these days?]

    But you did also say, "To Live, To Love, To Learn, To Leave a Legacy." There is more to life than propagating your genes. It may still be painful at times (rather like fell-running!), but there is a purpose in life, even when we are unsure what that purpose is.
    In his lifetime he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen.
    Jorge Luis Borges

  2. #492
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    The views are complementary like ying and yang.
    We dont matter but we do.
    We dont matter to the universe but we do to each other.
    Where does that put someone like Luke? I understand searching for answers. But sometimes there isnt one and the search can cause unnecessary stress. As Ben said to the other Luke 'Let go, use the force'!

    Star Wars is actually very profound!
    Simon Blease

  3. #493
    Master wharfeego's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wheeze View Post
    As Ben said to the other Luke 'Let go, use the force'...
    If only it was that simple.

  4. #494
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    I know wharfee, I know. This situation is no place for platitudes. And 'letting go,' is the hardest thing to do.
    But through adversity we gain strength.

    So pleased to see you posting though. Keep it up....please
    Last edited by Wheeze; 02-11-2017 at 11:19 AM.

  5. #495
    Master wheezing donkey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wheeze View Post

    I understand searching for answers. But sometimes there isnt one and the search can cause unnecessary stress.
    I would have to concur with that Simon. Always looking to try and understand the finer detail can create a very introvert and 'maudling' disposition.

    Thankfully I am now way past that and take a far more light hearted approach to life's ups and downs.
    I was a bit of an oddball until I was abducted by aliens; but I'm perfectly OK now!

  6. #496
    Master wharfeego's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheezing donkey View Post
    ...Thankfully I am now way past that and take a far more light hearted approach to life's ups and downs.
    It's great when one can feel the way you describe, I hope to feel that way one fine day.
    But it can be, and currently is for me, a long, hard road to sense even a slight recovery from falling deep into the pit of despair that anxiety/depression creates for me.
    I'm currently part way up from the bottom of the pit, not yet able to reach the higher steps that will allow a way out. Those steps are hellish steep and slippery.

  7. #497
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    If it helps, you are wanted, needed, respected. So keep coming up. You have a rare and precious gift of a wonderous eye for a picture. Thanks so much for sharing that with us.
    I only hope that these postings act as a metaphorical arm reaching down to help back to feeling fine.
    Simon Blease

  8. #498
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    Hey Wharfeego. I don't know if you are interested in a couple of books on the subject that have helped me massively in previous years.

    Personally, I was never a great fan of 'self help' books as I read dozens and always felt that they stated the bloody obvious however there have been two that just clicked for me and really brought me a tremendous amount of relief. (The one by Claire Weekes, well, I felt it could have been written by me.)

    They are Claire Weekes - the latest help for your nerves and The Power of Your Sub-Conscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.

    I hope you are ok. I know how awful it can be. Please don't give up.

    The latter is available online as a free PDF.

  9. #499
    Master wharfeego's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by granty View Post
    ...Claire Weekes - the latest help for your nerves and The Power of Your Sub-Conscious Mind by Joseph Murphy...
    Thanks granty.
    Readers of this thread may think "Surely wharfeego can't be that bad, hee was seen sporting an inflatable Grim Reaper outfit at last Saturday's 'Race You To The Summit', so how come he's posting such?
    Well, there has been a slight improvement over the last few weeks, but each day is still a struggle to get through.
    I suppose the outfit is quite apt for my current position in life.

    click on this to see the grimreaper_photo-by-shirley-smith.jpg
    Last edited by wharfeego; 03-11-2017 at 10:11 PM.

  10. #500
    Join Date
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    Leeds. Capital of Gods Own.
    Glad to see that you can recognise your slight improvement Andy.
    Well done with your new mate last weekend.

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