Thanks to Tod for todays event, a classic pennine yomp with plenty of stodge around. I decided on a steady start and to just wind the pace up as the miles ticked by, my bottle fell out on the first descent which pissed me off and got me swearing before i'd hardly got into my stride. This keeps happening as the elastic has gone on the pouch. I got going nicely from CP3 onwards and caught/dropped quite a few groups, but the final 500' climb finished me off, i hadn't really noticed it on the map and lost a bit of time. Allegedly some went wrong on the run in and i bet i can guess where because i nearly went wrong there too. I was a bit surprised at 33rd, i was expecting to be around 60, i found a number of good/shorter lines on the way down to CP6, that leg and the one before it will probably look strong on the splits. The run in doesn't really favour me, it doesn't finish on a good enough descent, but the pennines are often like that