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Thread: Voices From The Hills

  1. #1

    Voices From The Hills

    It can take many years from conceiving the idea of a book to seeing it published but Steve Chilton's history of the pioneering fell and mountain runners will shortly be on sale, with a foreword by Jasmin Paris.

    In April 1970 the FRA was formed without any women members. In 1983 when Bill Smith wrote the history of fell running in Stud Marks On The Summits he provided brief biographies of almost 100 male fell runners - but of only 16 women.

    Steve's new book tells the fascinating story of those pioneering early women in their own words, largely based on over thirty face to face interviews. And it just feels right to me that most of those 16 women identified by Bill Smith - including Linda Lord, Joan Glass, Jean Dawes, Pauline Stuart (Haworth)… have now told their individual stories.

    My particular interest in Steve’s book is that after he had produced his first draft he asked me to fact check and critique his text. I was delighted to help him because I think it is important for the reputation of the sport that the story of women’s fell running is captured while the pioneers can still tell their revealing stories in their own fresh and vivid way.

    Steve has made that happen in an important work of history with a just and happy ending.

    Whilst one might expect that most interest in the book will be from women - who might want their personal copy in homage to the pioneers who opened up the way for them to now race freely on the fells - even those enlightened men who buy it may be surprised, and even embarrassed, by how much they learn about the chequered history of their sport.

    Including how badly those women pioneers were treated when all they wanted to do was go out and race on the fells!
    Last edited by Graham Breeze; 25-03-2023 at 10:53 AM.
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Within sight of Leicestershire's Beacon Hill
    I remember that when I joined the FRA, the first issue of the Fellrunner magazine that I got had a comment in the editorial about the arrival of races for ladies; looking back, the exact words were:
    "The most significant development of the season is, in my view, the establishment of fell running for women."
    Even so, in my early years in the sport I ran several races which were for men only. The strange thing is that I don't remember ever finding that odd, even though I had come into fell running from orienteering, a sport which has always accommodated women (albeit on slightly shorter courses than men).

    That issue of Fellrunner magazine also contains an article about the Bland family of Borrowdale, including the following quote from Billy:
    "I can't say that I will win any big races, but I expect to improve and go very close in races like Ennerdale, Wasdale and, of course, Borrowdale".
    Does anyone on the Forum know if Billy Bland did ever manage any decent performances in those races?
    In his lifetime he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen.
    Jorge Luis Borges

  3. #3
    I very much look forward to reading that. Hats off for producing it. Does Angela Mudge feature? I've always admired her approach and achievements. Whether she does or not, I'm sure it'll be a fascinating read.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Steve Chilton's Avatar
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    South of the Downs
    Angela Mudge very much features. This is the list runners whom I spoke to and have their stories told through the text: Carol McNeill, Joan Glass, Carol Walkington/Campbell, Bridget Hogge, Anne-Marie Grindley, Pauline Haworth/Stuart, Joan Lancaster, Ros Coats/Evans, Jean Lochhead, Sue Parkin, Véronique Marot, Jean Dawes, Wendy Dodds, Fiona Wild, Brenda Robinson, Vanessa Brindle/Peacock, Christine Menhennet, Carol Haigh/Greenwood, Sarah Rowell, Angela Carson/Brand-Barker, Ruth Pickvance, Tricia Calder, Jackie Hargreaves, Alison Wright, Elaine Wright, Helene Diamantides/Whitaker, Anne Stentiford/Johnstone, Nicola Davies, Angela Mudge, Linda Lord, Eileen Jones and Kirstin Bailey

  5. #5
    Senior Member Steve Chilton's Avatar
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    A detailed review by Eileen Jones on the News from Cumbria and the North West website takes a deep dive into the themes of 'Voices from the hills', neatly linking them to examples from several of the pioneer's stories in the book to illustrate points. Something of a pioneer herself (and more recently author of 2 books on the parkrun phenomenon) Jones says: 'building on his previous books, Chilton combines meticulous research with personal interviews to highlight those who paved the way for the gender quality we enjoy today.' See the full review here: https://northwestnewsandfeatures.wor...omen-pioneers/

  6. #6
    Senior Member Steve Chilton's Avatar
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    South of the Downs
    "This important book is incredibly detailed, outlining the many sporting achievements of early pioneers ...... encompassing everything from the Olympics to the Bob Graham Round." Review of 'Voices from the Hills' at UKHiking, which is available in full via:
    or else at:

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