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Thread: GP's, NHS & sportsmen - a rant

  1. #101
    Senior Member DangerMouse's Avatar
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    Aug 2019
    Yes, okay, I can see that.

    And I sometimes pick up on a little anxiety when I see a Doctor, especially if I start asking difficult questions (not being a dick, just wanting answers like we all do, you know) or suggest something that doesn't fit in with the guidelines. I can sense them being careful, perhaps overly so.

    Doctors, or medical staff in general, should not be subject to prosecution unless they intentionally cause harm, they should be allowed to make genuine mistakes, we are human after all. Repeated negligence is another aspect, and well, same goes for any job, if you repeatedly show you don't have the skills and don't make an effort to acquire them, there's really only one way it can go.

    Re. how to deal with complex issues, yes, good question; the only thing that I can think of off the top of my head is some kind of monitoring, so if a patient has an appointment and the doctor thinks it was a waste of time they could make a note to that effect. Once a patient gets say 3 notes of that kind the situation is reviewed and if appropriate a referral made to look into it deeper and the onus to deal with the wasted appointments is removed from the GP's surgery. I would hope this would be done from a compassionate care perspective of course.

    Doctors already refer patients, so it would just be a kind of 'broader picture' version of that, and if someone is identified as lonely, for example, then they could be presented with various options that the wider society offers.

    I do like to dream up, what I think would be, ideal scenarios - maybe one day - we can live in hope

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Over Haddon
    Having had a week of strange pains and discomfort in my stomach area I phoned my GP surgery first thing this morning for advice. At 1030 a GP rang me back and after a chat asked me, to my surprise, if I could attend the surgery at 3.45.

    I then went out for my walk, the pain/discomfort being no worse or better with exercise.

    I attended at 3.45 and after examination was prescribed a course of Omeprazole and told to book an appointment for blood tests, with the nurse, at reception. When doing this the receptionist told me the first available appointment was on the 19th of Jan, ten days away. Whether it was the look on my face, I don't know, but she said "is it urgent?". At the same time the GP appeared in reception for his next patient who apparently hadn't turned up. I said to him " excuse me doctor but are my bloods urgent".

    He had a quick chat to the receptionist and then asked me to follow him. I then went back into his room and after a bit of too and froing he took a full set of bloods. He said that it was too late in the day for the courier service so as he lived in digs at the Royal Chesterfield Hospital he would drop them off in the lab on his way home. (He must be a Locum/Trainee GP). He told me to ring the surgery for results on Tuesday.

    What fantastic NHS service.

    Since getting home I have two things on my mind.

    1. I hope he remembers to drop them off.
    2. Have I something more serious than he has let on.

    Anyway he told me to keep up with my exercise which is what I shall do, and if I get pulled by Derbyshire Police ...........
    Last edited by Llani Boy; 08-01-2021 at 10:09 PM.
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  3. #103
    Moderator Mossdog's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Llani Boy View Post

    Anyway he told me to keep up with my exercise which is what I shall do, and if I get pulled by Derbyshire Police ...........
    You'll be al'rite lad as long as you haven't got a packet of pork scratchings about your person, or similar to indicate an evil intent of having a 'picnic'.

    Seriously though, hope it's all OK
    Am Yisrael Chai

  4. #104
    Master bigfella's Avatar
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    Peak District
    Hope all is ok. I have had very good personal experience with our local surgery (Baslow) and Chesterfield Royal.
    Cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run

  5. #105
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Western Peak District
    Nice to hear stories like this amid all this gloom. Keep taking the pills, and I hope you're feeling better soon.

  6. #106
    Master molehill's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Good to hear stories like this, our local surgery is fantastic and I've never heard a word against it, you obviously have a similar helpful one.
    Normally it is only the negatives that are heard.
    The end is nigh

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Over Haddon
    An update.
    Having seen my GP last Friday I had a text on Monday to say that my blood pathology was fine and no action required.
    This morning the postman has delivered an appointment for me to attend Chesterfield Royal Hospital for an Abdominal Ultrasound Scan on this Saturday the 16th.

    Hospitals are not one of the places to be visiting at present but I shall be attending and am extremely grateful that the NHS is still open for business.

    I still have discomfort in my stomach but have only been taking the pills for 5 days. I am hoping that the promptness of the scan is because the radiology department is quiet, due to people being reluctant to visit their GP, rather than something serious going on.
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  8. #108
    Master bigfella's Avatar
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    I had an MRI scan at Chesterfield on a Sunday morning a few weeks ago, very quiet and well organised, felt very safe. I know from friends that the hospital is in fact very busy in some areas.
    Cause tramps like us, baby we were born to run

  9. #109
    Join Date
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    Over Haddon
    My breathing has not been right for a while and before a race I find myself having to do an increasingly faster and longer warm up in order to get a decent getaway from the start line. Once I get going my breathing is fine.
    I have also developed a cough and lost nearly a stone in weight in the last 3 months. I don't think cutting out a few biscuits and cake with a brew should account for it.

    Just in case something some thing sinister might be going on I decided to phone my GP surgery at 8am this morning.

    After a 5 minute wait in the queue I spoke to a receptionist and to my surprise was offered an appointment at 9.15.

    The GP, a chap in his 30's, who looked a bit of a sportsman himself, was very understanding of my concerns and complimentary of my fitness. After checking my BP he listened to my breathing and did that tapping thing on my back and chest with his fingers. He said everything seemed fine but suggested further investigation. After telling me the proposed plan of action he the sent the referral details to my phone for me to make the relevant appointments.

    I now have blood tests back at the surgery this afternoon, a chest X-ray in the local cottage hospital tomorrow and an appointment in the "Lung Service" department in Royal Chesterfield Hospital on Monday.

    I am extremely impressed with the level of service. Did I, by chance, just drop on a very good GP? Who knows.

    It has crossed my mind that the speediness in getting these appointments is because the GP suspects that I have something going on that needs looking at sharpish but that is tempered by the fact that it was me that actually made the appointments.

    The NHS seems to be working in my neck of the woods.
    Visibility good except in Hill Fog

  10. #110
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Western Peak District
    It's good to hear the good as well as the bad stories. I hope the tests give you a clean bill of health LB.

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