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Thread: Fast M65

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Within sight of Leicestershire's Beacon Hill

    Fast M65

    No, this isn't a complaint about speeds that people drive along the motorway between Preston, Blackburn and Burnley. It's a comment on fell race results from last weekend.

    There's Llani Boy at Padfield Plum Fair and Peter Crompton at Buttermere Shepherd's Meet, both going ridiculously fast (and beating all the M60's in the respective races). Indeed, Llani was ahead of all the M50's and M55's, while Peter Crompton was well ahead of second M65 Keith Loan, who himself had easily beaten me at Scafell Pike 7 weeks ago. Graduating to the next 5-year age group clearly won't make it any easier for me to get among the prizes.
    In his lifetime he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen.
    Jorge Luis Borges

  2. #2
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    I'm considering identifying as a FV60 in 18 months so that I can feel competitive again, but looking at the results of Katy Thompson I'll still have my work cut out
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by anthonykay View Post
    No, this isn't a complaint about speeds that people drive along the motorway between Preston, Blackburn and Burnley. It's a comment on fell race results from last weekend.

    There's Llani Boy at Padfield Plum Fair and Peter Crompton at Buttermere Shepherd's Meet, both going ridiculously fast (and beating all the M60's in the respective races). Indeed, Llani was ahead of all the M50's and M55's, while Peter Crompton was well ahead of second M65 Keith Loan, who himself had easily beaten me at Scafell Pike 7 weeks ago. Graduating to the next 5-year age group clearly won't make it any easier for me to get among the prizes.
    Well you as a mathematician should know that everyone ages at the same rate and the people that thrashed you as a V40 and as a V50 and... will still be leaving you in their dust as a V80.

    Life is always fair and just so neatly balanced.

    It's the beauty of mathematics.

    I noticed that Jeff Norman won the V75 at Race To The Summit (near Littleborough) recently. This is not the most serious of races (although my dignity never stopped me picking up prizes there) but that is the same Jeff Norman who won six (6!) consecutive Three Peaks Races (1970-1975) illustrating some more truths: that champions never stop being champions and when it comes to races they always race to win.
    Last edited by Graham Breeze; 01-11-2023 at 10:38 AM.
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  4. #4
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witton Park View Post
    I'm considering identifying as a FV60 in 18 months so that I can feel competitive again, but looking at the results of Katy Thompson I'll still have my work cut out
    I never thought I'd see a post from you in support of gender self-identification.

    But I know what you mean - I used to think I'd done well if I beat the first lady. Depending on who turned up this was sometimes impossible.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by noel View Post
    I never thought I'd see a post from you in support of gender self-identification.

    But I know what you mean - I used to think I'd done well if I beat the first lady. Depending on who turned up this was sometimes impossible.
    And who knows ? One day you might be delighted just to beat the last lady.
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  6. #6
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Breeze View Post
    And who knows ? One day you might be delighted just to beat the last lady.
    At the moment, I'd be very happy with that. I haven't run for 18 months, with long covid. I could maybe walk a park run with the back marker now - and that's a big improvement from where I was a year ago! I'm hoping for a miraculous recovery at some point. Watch this space.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham Breeze View Post
    Well you as a mathematician should know that everyone ages at the same rate and the people that thrashed you as a V40 and as a V50 and... will still be leaving you in their dust as a V80.

    Life is always fair and just so neatly balanced.

    It's the beauty of mathematics.

    I noticed that Jeff Norman won the V75 at Race To The Summit (near Littleborough) recently. This is not the most serious of races (although my dignity never stopped me picking up prizes there) but that is the same Jeff Norman who won six (6!) consecutive Three Peaks Races (1970-1975) illustrating some more truths: that champions never stop being champions and when it comes to races they always race to win.
    Firstly, I should point out that no-one thrashed me as a V40: that was when I had a pause in my racing activities.

    Your proposition about aging at the same rate has some truth. For example, I still can't beat Ken Taylor (who is 10 years older than me), just as I couldn't beat him when he was a V40. And since you mention Jeff Norman (13 years older than me), I can point out that I beat him in a race in 2017 just as I had beaten him in a race in 1981 (although it may be relevant to add that 1981 was the year when the elite of fell running decided that the Kentmere Horseshoe course wasn't challenging enough, and a descent to the Mardale Waters would add to the fun).

    But the real problem is with the people who weren't running back in my younger days. Just imagine how fast a 30-year-old Ann-Marie Jones would have been going; judging by her current speed, she would have even left Carol Greenwood trailing in her wake.
    In his lifetime he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen.
    Jorge Luis Borges

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by anthonykay View Post

    Your proposition about aging at the same rate has some truth. For example, I still can't beat Ken Taylor (who is 10 years older than me), just as I couldn't beat him when he was a V40. And since you mention Jeff Norman (13 years older than me), I can point out that I beat him in a race in 2017 just as I had beaten him in a race in 1981 (although it may be relevant to add that 1981 was the year when the elite of fell running decided that the Kentmere Horseshoe course wasn't challenging enough, and a descent to the Mardale Waters would add to the fun).
    I only recall beating Yiannis Tridimas once and I was so stunned I asked him at the prize giving if he was ill. (I knew Yiannis a little and knew him to be a very nice man. He was a great friend of Bill Smith).

    He was very gallant and said that he was in good health and that I had beaten him by running better and faster etc.

    I didn't believe it (and neither did the RO when he announced the prizes!) but eventually Yiannis admitted that after a long holiday at his Greek home he had just flown back to the UK immediately before the race.

    So I hadn't really beaten Yiannis at all, just his jet lag.
    Last edited by Graham Breeze; 01-11-2023 at 07:39 PM.
    " dry as the Atacama desert".

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Within sight of Leicestershire's Beacon Hill
    Quote Originally Posted by noel View Post
    At the moment, I'd be very happy with that. I haven't run for 18 months, with long covid. I could maybe walk a park run with the back marker now - and that's a big improvement from where I was a year ago! I'm hoping for a miraculous recovery at some point. Watch this space.
    I hope you recover soon; Long Covid can be really nasty. I know someone who is a similar age to you and has had it for about two years; when she has visitors to her house, she puts a timer on, because even sitting and chatting to someone leaves her exhausted if it goes on for more than about ten minutes.
    In his lifetime he suffered from unreality, as do so many Englishmen.
    Jorge Luis Borges

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