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Thread: Farage NEW PM

  1. #251
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noel View Post
    I think it depends on your perspective. I'm sure left wingers will describe everything the current government does as right wing. And indeed they themselves will. From what I remember from previous conversations, your take on right wing is more to do with reducing the size of the state.
    You didn't name one
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  2. #252
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Latest Yougov

    CON 19 (-1)
    LAB 44 (=)
    LIB DEM 9 (=)
    REF UK 15 (+1)
    GRN 8 (+1)

    4 point gap now - direction of travel is still there.
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  3. #253
    Moderator noel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witton Park View Post
    You didn't name one
    Found one:

    But to be fair this is probably the exception that proves the rule. Most of the bills are tinkering at the edges in response to changing events and public opinion. It's hard to see any general themes or grand ideas, except for the attempts to be seen to be trying to bring immigration down.

  4. #254
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noel View Post
    Found one:

    But to be fair this is probably the exception that proves the rule. Most of the bills are tinkering at the edges in response to changing events and public opinion. It's hard to see any general themes or grand ideas, except for the attempts to be seen to be trying to bring immigration down.
    You did well. I wonder how it's doing though as Junior Doctors are still striking and are out for 4 days in Wales before the end of this month, having taken similar action here in England a few weeks ago.

    So even an apparently right-wing policy is enacted, but seems toothless when it comes to implementation.

    It's a form of gaslighting.
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  5. #255
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    There are just so many right wing crazy things that the conservatives have done or attempted to do; in no particular order:

    Purposeful underfunding of vital public services, trying to privatise them by the back door
    Closure of local schools, amenities and libraries by again squeezing council support
    The move towards Freeports and special economic zones that trash regulations and tariffs, attracting real interest from money launderers and tax evaders supprisingly
    Cronyism gone mad with government contracts almost sold to the highest Conservative Party donors
    Lying and lying until right wing gumbies truly ‘believe’ any bollocks they’re told
    Making legal immigration into the country absolutely impossible for many many real refugees from terror
    Being prepared to pay £2 million per head to get somebody, anybody deported to Rwanda (enough to put the same person up in the Paris Ritz for 3 years or more )
    The prorogation of parliament
    Being happy to receive funding from clear for all to see racists

    I’ll carry on the list later - I’m off to the gym

  6. #256
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fellbeast View Post
    There are just so many right wing crazy things that the conservatives have done or attempted to do; in no particular order:

    Purposeful underfunding of vital public services, trying to privatise them by the back door
    Closure of local schools, amenities and libraries by again squeezing council support
    The move towards Freeports and special economic zones that trash regulations and tariffs, attracting real interest from money launderers and tax evaders supprisingly
    Cronyism gone mad with government contracts almost sold to the highest Conservative Party donors
    Lying and lying until right wing gumbies truly ‘believe’ any bollocks they’re told
    Making legal immigration into the country absolutely impossible for many many real refugees from terror
    Being prepared to pay £2 million per head to get somebody, anybody deported to Rwanda (enough to put the same person up in the Paris Ritz for 3 years or more )
    The prorogation of parliament
    Being happy to receive funding from clear for all to see racists

    I’ll carry on the list later - I’m off to the gym
    Public Spending is higher than ever. 45% of GDP and other than Covid, the highest level of public spending in the last 40 years.
    Local authorities (England) un-ringfenced revenue account reserves increased from £23.5 billion at 31 March 2020 to £34.0 billion at 31 March 2022.
    How does that happen in cash strapped local Govt?
    (Just as an aside it happened in 2010-14. Could it be these local authorities squirrel money away so they can have a splurge when labour get in and make it look great? They thought that was coming in 2015 and they are on pretty solid ground this time)

    And as spending has gone up, debt has also, because they overspend. They over spend in National Government, devolved Govt (Scotland is financially a mess) and at local Govt.

    The Post War average level of public spending is 40% of GDP, so a right wing policy I would consider to bring public spending down below that average.

    Freeports - I think that's because you misunderstand what a freeport is and how it functions - the EU has around 80 of them.
    So it's not right wing.

    Cronyism is a problem - but it isn't unique to the Conservative Party - I think it's an issue in politics and we have seen issues around devolved assemblies, and across the EU.
    There are even issues now in Labour, highlighted recently around approved candidates for the General Election.
    Remember "Tony's Cronies"?
    Not right wing.

    Lying - come on Brian - this is just emotional word salad. You think your side, whoever that is don't lie?
    Corbyn - "I'm a Remainer"
    Not right wing.

    Legal Immigration - they have welcomed Ukrainian and Hong Kong residents.
    They have also issued more visas then ever.
    Legal Immigration is at record high levels, so it doesn't quite fit with the narrative you've been fed.

    If they were to control immigration to the 10s of 1000s, then maybe you'd have a case, but with record levels, clearly you want even higher levels.

    Rwanda - Yes bonkers - I'm with you - and you're in good company because it's the wets in the Party that have driven this policy.
    I also refer you to the comment to Noel - this is a policy designed to look like they are doing all they can to resolve something but will never get off the ground.
    They are gas lighting the public.
    But it isn't right-wing. It's just stupid.

    Prorogation - now you might not have liked it but.
    It isn't a right wing policy - it's always happening.
    The session that it would have ended was the longest without a prorogation since the English Civil War.
    It covered conference season, so the Commons wasn't sitting.
    So it's not right-wing.

    Funding / Donations - agree it's a problem - I expect you have been writing to the Guardian to demand Barry Gardner gives back his 1/2 million from the CCP.
    But yes, I agree, party funding needs sorting out.
    Michael Brown to LibDems
    It isn't a right wing issue.

    No donation in a year more than £5000 from any individual or organisation - do you agree? It will be in my manifesto.

    In summary Brian, we have some common ground on issues of concern, but these are more general concerns. I don't accept that these are right wing issues.
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  7. #257
    Moderator Mossdog's Avatar
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    Love it. And it's gone 'viral'
    Am Yisrael Chai

  8. #258
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  9. #259
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mossdog View Post
    Love it. And it's gone 'viral'
    Quite amusing

    Latest YouGov General Election voting intentions.

    CON 21 (+2)
    LAB 40 (-4)
    LIB DEM 10 (+1)
    REF UK 16 (+1)
    GRN 8 (NC)

    Maybe the Rayner issues?
    Richard Taylor
    "William Tell could take an apple off your head. Taylor could take out a processed pea."
    Sid Waddell

  10. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mossdog View Post
    Love it. And it's gone 'viral'
    That was just awful - the far right can’t even try to be funny properly. And there was not nearly enough spitfires and warm beer!

    Oh and nice touch finishing with sneering at people suffering from mental health and learning difficulties

    I didn’t think my understanding of people who like this garbage could sink even lower but it has
    Last edited by Fellbeast; 31-03-2024 at 11:50 AM.

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