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Thread: Ankle arthoscopy

  1. #1
    Grandmaster IanDarkpeak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    near the dark stuff

    Ankle arthoscopy

    A few will know my running days are over, going into covid my ankle were very sore, I saw lots of Physios with no joy, One suggest an ultra sound, this showed a bone growth which led to an xray which led to consultant and an MRI, his words were nicer than You're ****ed but he might as well have said it, he refused any treatment at the time due to Covid..

    4 years later no running, New consultant, cortisone injections did a bit but another MRI last month has revealed 2 cysts have grown in the joint and so he's "going in" Arthroscopy to remove the offending bits. possible another to follow on my other ankle...Ive another MRI due for this,

    Got a call this morning for the pre op, so op is imminent.

    Any one had one? any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Over Haddon
    That's sad to hear Ian. Hope the op goes well.

    I had a different but slightly similar op on my shoulder in 2020. After 18 months of increasing pain and ever more restricted movement, I couldn't even ride my bike, put my arm behind my back or lift my arm above shoulder level I had an Arthroscopy to remove a spur that had grown and generally clean out the joint.

    Four years on I have got around 95% of full range of movement and pain free. My surgeon said that I would probably suffer from arthritis in the joint as there was a lot of "wear and tear". The slight discomfort I get, usually when I over do it, I put down to that.

    Never say never.

    Good luck.
    Visibility good except in Hill Fog

  3. #3
    Grandmaster IanDarkpeak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    near the dark stuff
    thats good to know at least, might not run again but at least I can hopefully work.

  4. #4
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Loving it in the Pilates Studio
    You may get back running if you're willing to redefine your self image as a runner. I've had to do this several times and it never gets easier. People who are long distance and ultra runners who end up with meniscus problems often want to keep at that distance mainly because that is their thing. They are very reluctant to redefine themselves, even though this will reduce their symptoms massively.

    My future will almost certainly be made up of about a tenth of the racing I used to do, the rest will be just running around somewhere at a steady pace.

  5. #5
    Master Wheeze's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Hi Ian, I hope this goes well for you. I am in a very similar boat. Ankle became increasingly sore to the point where walking was a struggle. As per your experience, scans and consultant opinion was "its f***ed". Options were fusion or replacement. As I had a good range of movement, fusion was felt to be bad option. As for replacement I was advised to hold on for a few years as they are new technology and still in upward trajectory of improvement. So ball was in my court and I opted to avoid high impact activity like running and tennis. So I now cycle and walk instead. It's OK but I still really miss running. I am practicing the art of acceptance and being grateful for what I can still do. I've told consultant I want to cycle, walk and ski with a new ankle. It's now a waiting game...but at least it gives me a chance to save up for the op!

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