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Thread: Stupid things people have said

  1. #1
    Senior Member Tahr's Avatar
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    Stupid things people have said

    I have had a couple of things said to me recently by non-runners that have wind me up.
    Coming out of work last week in shorts and running shoes I had the following exchange with a colleague as we walked out together.
    Him: - On a bit of a fitness fad are we?:angry:
    Me:- No not really more a life style thing.
    Him: - Don’t bother mate even fit footballers like that one on telly can have a heart attack.
    Me:- Well all the exercise in the world is not going to fix a heart problem.
    Him lighting up a fag: - a lot of smokers live to a right old age you know, any way I don’t want to live to such a age that I get dementia.
    Me:- Well exercise is proven to keep you from getting dementia.
    Him:- No it is doing Sudoku that stops you getting dementia,I will do some of them.

    27 stone obese Mothering law with a list of medical problems that you would expect with such a condition.
    :- Tahr you have to stop doing all this exercise because it causes people have heart attacks when they are running etc.:angry:
    Me:- Oh well will just have to take my chances.
    Did I have to bite my tongue on that one for the sake of marital relations.

    What stupid or irritating things have been said to you by non-runners?


    Last edited by Tahr; 01-04-2012 at 09:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Stupid things people have

    I'm spoilt for choice when it comes to remarks uttered by cretinous morons nowadays.
    They range from 'run forrest run'- through to the equally antithetical attempt at wittiness that is 'what's fell running then, where you fall over a lot'.
    Half these people I subliminally earmark for a good twatting if I ever get into power of a police state.
    The worst of the lot undoubtably though has to be this one;
    'Its not far to the finish now mate'
    There I am staggering, delirious, needing a piss and in the knowledge that I'm either gonna spew up or shit myself and some fat bastard with no idea tells me 'not far'. The ultimate bollocks line of Ireland last year I crossed the dam wall and some paddy said that to me, I was still 2 hours from the finish. I spent the rest of my cramp infested dribble fest expecting the finish to appear imminently and it never did.
    Trying to plod up hills every day slightly faster than the day before

  3. #3
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Re: Stupid things people have

    Quote Originally Posted by TurboTom View Post
    I'm spoilt for choice ....
    you've perhaps quite a collection of your own Tom

  4. #4
    Member vics's Avatar
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    Re: Stupid things people have

    Sister in law can't get her head round the idea that the ultra I'm going to be doing will be done all at once, no there aren't any stops other than feed stations, no I won't be going home halfway round and coming back later, no I won't stop to sleep, I will keep going from the start until I've reached the finish.

    Also, when mentioning my training mileage she commented "oh, so you're doing the event now, just in bits?"

    Oh and do I need mention spectators at races shouting "keep them knees up"?

  5. #5
    Grandmaster dominion's Avatar
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    Back home for now...

    Re: Stupid things people have

    Thing is...

    A lot of people I've known over the years outside of running can't understand that I couldn't care less about the medical benefits (or otherwise). I run because I want to run. Any other percieved benefits are secondary. When I can't run through injury I don't obsess over 'keeping fit'. I couldn't care less.

  6. #6
    Master shaunaneto's Avatar
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    Re: Stupid things people have

    Quote Originally Posted by vics View Post
    Sister in law can't get her head round the idea that the ultra I'm going to be doing will be done all at once, no there aren't any stops other than feed stations, no I won't be going home halfway round and coming back later, no I won't stop to sleep, I will keep going from the start until I've reached the finish.

    Also, when mentioning my training mileage she commented "oh, so you're doing the event now, just in bits?"

    Oh and do I need mention spectators at races shouting "keep them knees up"?
    Good grief, I'm cringing just thinking about those conversations

  7. #7
    Master shaunaneto's Avatar
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    Re: Stupid things people have

    Unfortunately the bulk of the stupidest things I've heard have come from my own cake hole

  8. #8
    Master DrPatrickBarry's Avatar
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    Re: Stupid things people have

    I was in with a nurse for an ear infection and I was asked about exercise (can't remember why). I informed her that I am a regular cyclist. She commented that she is not allowed to cycle because she is blood donor (implying her body is too valuable to risk it on the roads).

    I sort of smiled to myself as she must have been the best part of 20 stone.

  9. #9
    Master Hes's Avatar
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    Re: Stupid things people have

    I'm always getting daft comments thrown at me when running. The best one was quite funny and when I was limping along with a badly sprained ankle and a local man said 'bye lass, if tha was a horse tha'd shoot thee' (am not very good at the Yorkshire accent).

    Latest was from a guy who'd positioned himself on the junction of a footpath and was sat on a shooting stick passing comment on walkers. I ran past and he asked if I was late for something and when I forced a laugh (I was on my 28th mile) and said no, he said 'if you'd set off earlier, you wouldn't have to run'...ooh how I split my sides

    More worrying and really daft imo came from an overweight friend with high blood pressure. A group of us were discussing an article which said that regular exercise could lower your blood pressure by up to 15% and she said '15% is nothing, it wouldn't be worth it to me' and yet she takes daily pills for it and has countless health problems. I just don't get it but then she doesn't get me running up hills for fun.
    'The birds are the keepers of our secrets'

  10. #10
    Senior Member LM's Avatar
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    Re: Stupid things people have

    I was once chatting to the checkout lady at Asda when she asked me what I was doing at the weekend, I said I was doing a 9 mile fell race called Noon Stone. She asked if I was doing it for charity to which I replied 'no'. I explained that fell races are something I do on a fairly regular basis and I couldn't possibly collect money every time to which she replied that if she ever ran 9 mile it would have to be for charity!!

    I was telling my elderly neighbour about my BG attempt last year and explained that it had to be done within 24 hours otherwise it wouldn't count. She asked if I would be going home to sleep through the night section!! Great idea but that's not really how it works!!
    Linda Murgatroyd, Calder Valley Fell Runners

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