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Thread: Today's Training

  1. #15731
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Over Haddon
    A warm, humid and midge/fly infested evening for the RATRun from the Lathkil Hotel, Over Haddon. Eight of us set off down the fields to Conksbury Bridge and then 2 miles up Lathkill Dale to its junction with Cales Dale where we took a right steeply up to Haddon Grove Farm. A mixture of short tarmac sections and newly mown fields led us to Bole Hill from where we descended, again through fields, back to the Lathkil.

    Sat in the beer garden delicious chips were washed down with excellent Wibbly Wallaby 4.4% from Wincle Brewery. 7 and a half miles, 800 feet in 1hr 6 min. A great evening and now feet up until Saturday!
    Visibility good except in Hill Fog

  2. #15732
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    Track session in the pouring rain this morning, although it was still warm (top was off after 3 reps).


    Was rather fearing i'd fall apart spectacularly, with the lack of intense track work.

    Set the wildly ambitious target of sticking to 3:20/km (80secs/lap) throughout. And when i'd fallen off-target by about 5secs by the first 800mtr rep i was fearing it was going to all fall apart around me.

    But stuck in there, knocked out the 1km rep in 3:27 (still a fair time for me) and pulled myself back on target, and by the last couple of reps i was quicker than on the way "up the pyramid".

    7 miles, of which 5km was hard effort, an encouraging morning's work.

  3. #15733
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    A solid week comes to an end.

    72 miles, with one hard hill session and one encouraging track session.

    Feel like i've got a bit of zip back, which is quite handy as resuming racing from next weekend.

    Next week will train with Coventry on tuesday, a bit of hill work wednesday, then wind down towards saturday, where it's back to the Four Fans race... with good results there in recent years, a knowledge of the route options, and still only 19 entered, i'm hoping to be "amongst it" again.

    With the race going in the opposite direction this year, and approx 70% of the climb coming in the first 5 miles, i'll have to put my hill training to the test and go off hard, before the more runnable final 6 or 7 miles.

  4. #15734
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    Club night at Coventry Godiva... 6 x 1km with 2mins rest.


    I benefitted tonight from having a couple of faster guys to chase... there was one guy doing them about 8-10secs/km quicker than me, and another a similar distance in front of him, which spurred me on and pulled me right off the front of my usual group.

    9.5 miles. A really solid start to the week and i'm past 25 miles already.

  5. #15735
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    Club night and a 25 minute continuous cross-country run around a "square" of about 700mtrs length. 2 sides hard, 1 side easy.

    Took even the hard reps at a fairly moderate pace tonight, bearing mind saturday's upcoming race... Went through 5km in approx 22:15

    7 miles. up to 45 miles for the week, although tomorrow will be an easy day with a maximum of 6 or 7 very easy miles.

  6. #15736
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    2 x 3 mile easy runs today, plenty of stretching, and a gym session with upper body and core work. Feeling ready to give it my best shot tomorrow.

  7. #15737
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    Could only manage 4.5 miles gentle recovery this morning. Aimed for similar this evening, but it's not going to happen, too tired and stiff from yesterday.

    Final score for the week 68 miles. One very encouraging speedwork session on tuesday, and of course a big pb and decent result racing yesterday.

    Next week.... it's all about the Welsh 1000 next saturday. There are a couple of club sessions to be had, but i doubt i'll do either of them with any kind of intensity. Tuesday i don't think i'm going to be fully recovered, and thursday is too close to the race. Perhaps i'll have a solo speedy runout on wednesday. but being fresh for next saturday takes full priority.

  8. #15738
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    A mixed start to the week. A very stiff monday, but managed 2 short easy runs. On monday afternoon i had my 2nd vaccine and come tuesday morning i was feeling a bit rough. Managed a short AM run, but deteriorated and had to miss last night's club session.

    The rest obviously did me good as i woke up this morning feeling full of vigour. 8 mile run including 6 half mile efforts.

    With a favourable weather forecast for saturday, i'm hoping i can not only break 6hrs for the Welsh 1000, but get a lot nearer to 5.5hrs.... considering i haven't raced it since 2017 i should be capable of knocking a decent chunk of time off.

  9. #15739
    Master Travs's Avatar
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    NE Lakes/Coventry
    Club night, and a short session, 6 laps up and down a 250mtr hill, choice of session was our own, ie uphill reps, constant effort, etc...

    I elected to keep it easy going up, and ran the downhills hard.

    Quite a tame session in the heat, 5.5 miles.

    Hoping for an easy 5 or 6 miles on Great Orme tomorrow.

  10. #15740
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Travs View Post
    Club night, and a short session, 6 laps up and down a 250mtr hill, choice of session was our own, ie uphill reps, constant effort, etc...

    I elected to keep it easy going up, and ran the downhills hard.

    Quite a tame session in the heat, 5.5 miles.

    Hoping for an easy 5 or 6 miles on Great Orme tomorrow.
    Running downhill of course = eccentric exercise. An article in the current New Scientist suggests that eccentric exercise increases flexibility as much as stretching does, and, unlike stretching, there is an increase in strength as well.
    The article suggests putting joints through a full range of movement, rather than formal stretching - they don't use the expression but this sounds like dynamic stretching - and they also state that fascial movement seems to result in reduced arterial stiffness via an anti-inflammatory effect.
    When I have time I need to look up some references so that all this is a bit clearer.

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