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Thread: Flicking Hip

  1. #1

    Flicking Hip

    I am training for an IronMan triathlon and last week completed my first 100mile cycle and 15mile back to back run session. I just tried to go out for a hill sprints session and had to stop after two eps because of a flicking sensation in my hip. I am worried that I have pushed up my distances too quickly and have injured myself. Any ideas what the flicking sensation could be?

    I am heading to Cumbria on tuesday for a week of training in the Lake District so need to sort this problem out ASAP!

    UK IronMan (Bolton)
    Sub 39min 10k
    Blog - Brooks Trance 10 Review

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Flicking Hip

    Where is this sensation? Front or side of hip - and does it hurt? I suspect it is bursitis - either psoas bursitis, if at the front of the hip, or trochanteric bursitis, if at the side. The sports medicine literature usually refers to it as a "snapping" hip, though sometimes the term clicking is used. Either of these conditions can come on when training volume is being increased.

  3. #3

    Re: Flicking Hip

    As Mike T says, first step is identify the exact location of the sensation. Also, are you getting pain? or is it just the sensation? Is the feeling always there, even when walking around?

    If you can feel the snapping with your hand placed over the hip bone and walking/running then the most probable cause is external snapping hip (or otherwise known as coxa saltans). My understanding is that this usually occurs when:

    1. your ITBand is tight and is causing it to catch on the trochanter (the bony bit of the hip)

    2. the TFL (tensor fascia latae muscle) / IT Band or edge of the gluteus in some cases has thickened and become fibrous and is getting caught on the trochanter

    In both cases this causes the 'snapping' sensation which in some cases can be heard. This process can irritate the bursa (which is designed to allow the muscle to move smoothly over the bone) and cause pain. Classic question is can you lie / sleep on the affected side?

    I know this stuff because the same thing has happened to me. An increase in training, particulary speed reps seemed to trigger it. I guess its possible the snapping was always there and the increase in training led to the inflamation of the bursa. In my case, I've seen a physio who said that my glutes and abs (core muscles) were weak anyway and we have concentrated on building these up. Also that the leg on my affected side appears longer than my unaffected side which can cause biomechanical issues. Anway, its a long story but the core exercises have definitely helped and though I still have the snapping sensation it is no longer all of the time (even when just walking around) and it appears to wear off during my running. So although my training mileage has dropped I no longer have the pain and I'm just trying to enjoy injury free running!

    In your case, you may be lucky: some simple ITB stretches may just do the trick. If the snapping is pretty much constant or coming from deeper within the hip then I'd suggest going to see a physio.

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