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Thread: mr b's latest comeback

  1. #301
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Leeds 10k today, 38.38, which is roughly double my parkrun PB so i had a very good day. I got a good pace out from a parkrunner i know is very close to my pace, we turned at 5.75k and i just went as fast as i could all the way back. The last 0.5 was murder, i managed a 30sec sprint for the line and nearly collapsed on the other side! It's all hills now, no more road races for a long time.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  2. #302
    Master Multiterrainer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr brightside View Post
    Leeds 10k today, 38.38, which is roughly double my parkrun PB so i had a very good day. I got a good pace out from a parkrunner i know is very close to my pace, we turned at 5.75k and i just went as fast as i could all the way back. The last 0.5 was murder, i managed a 30sec sprint for the line and nearly collapsed on the other side! It's all hills now, no more road races for a long time.
    Good time mr b!

    Are you going to continue with the parkruns or were they just a means to this end?

  3. #303
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Multiterrainer View Post
    Good time mr b!

    Are you going to continue with the parkruns or were they just a means to this end?
    No, i'm parkrunning every saturday if it please the gods, i can help out with some flagging and timekeeping if i get injured. My left knee tendons are a bit sore from Leeds, basically a repetetive strain thing from not being properly prepared. I'm too dominant on the left leg from years of problems with the right.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  4. #304
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Midweek XC tonight, 2.5m/290'

    Felt the left knee thing again tonight, on the point where VMO connects to the kneecap. A surprise injury that only comes about from flat running for some reason. Ingleborough is looking doubtful, parkrun is looking like it's back on.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  5. #305
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Parkrun this morning, switched to Woodhouse Moor as there was a route change at Bramley. Ran a 19.02 which was a surprise, so i think Woodhouse is a faster course, and the competition is stiffer too. Facilities aren't as good as Bramley and i was nervous about the car being parked up around Hyde Park Corner and the Uni, it's not as safe as Bramley.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  6. #306
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    No run on sunday, right adductors sore and i've still got this groin thing around the Illiopsoas Bursa area. Sat down to watch the TDF, but really i wanted to be out and it was torture. I've started a daily program of adductor stretches and NSAI in the groin, and tonight was my first sports massage- which i'm going to try and keep up every fortnight in the short term and monthly in the long term. She said i was horrendously tight on the right lateral area. Hopefully i'll get some breathing space back so i can keep up 3 runs a week.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  7. #307
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Midweek Fartlek tonight, 2.9m/350'

    Still got this pain coming from the medial edge of my left kneecap, if anything it's worse for having had a bit of a lay-off. Might have to get it looked at, friction massage also could be something to try as there's a specific pain area on the patella edge.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  8. #308
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Today's run- Fairy Hills, 3.4m/960'


    Struggled today, Elbolton Hill's never been so hard to get up, it beat me to a walk well before the cairn. Battling the deep and rough stuff under Stebden was a real endeavour, it's the sort of thing i haven't done since the KWL. My left knee problem was non-existent until i began the fast and flat run back into Linton, it's definitely a problem brought about by running on the flat. Nice pint of Wharfedale Blonde and a skim through the latest edition of Country Life magazine in The Fountaine after. I'm going to have to stick to this format until i'm clear of this knee issue, it looks, for the better part, to work. Seems like i'll be revisiting some old short and rough feral haunts in the coming weeks; better dust off the bofra calendar.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  9. #309
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Midweek fartlek tonight- 2.9m/350'

    This medial pain on my left kneecap is in for the long haul, it's not going to go away quickly. I'm still running, but there'll be no racing for a good few months and regrettably no Weasdale Horseshoe. Such is the price you pay for poor preparation, i think on balance it was worth it for 38.38 though.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

  10. #310
    Master mr brightside's Avatar
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    Today's run- Full tour of the fairy hills, 5.5m/1700', that contrived it makes the FTOP look like a natural horseshoe.


    How i came up with this i don't know, it's good for multiple short, hard climbs and descents; and also gets a good climb total in. I think i just like the area and the terrain is challenging though it may not look to be, the hillsides are washboarded and good for honing smooth descending technique over rough ground. Coming off Elbolton into Thorpe is such a hoot, but it's over in about 30secs. I think i also like the offerings in The Fountaine Inn, and like coming out with comments that piss the John Smith's drinkers off down the other end of the bar. Greene King Golden Breeze was on today, and when i asked to try a bit the John Smith's stalwarts quipped that i'd, "be wanting a sample of the Tetley's next". I can tell you i wouldn't have touched that swill even when it was brewed in Leeds, and i think another disrespectful comment aimed at John Smith's Bitter might be called for next time.

    It seems a hoop of Luekotape down and over the Patella tendon relieves this nasty left knee problem a bit, which suggests it could be articular cartilage not tendons. I think i'm good to go on AS routes.
    Luke Appleyard (Wharfedale)- quick on the dissent

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