Hi all,

Does anyone have any experience recovering from a bad ankle sprain? Like how long it took, and tips for recovering?

I rolled my left ankle badly back in May, such that I had to go to A&E as they initially thought it was broken. It was put down to torn ligaments and I was advised to use it but let pain be a guide.

I decided to have a go at the Mont Blanc half in June despite it still being a bit sore, and predictably rolled it again. I've stayed off trails for the last two months now, doing cycling and a bit of road running instead. I still get a bit of swelling by the end of each day, and I just have a general feeling that it's not remotely healed. If I stand on the outside of my feet I feel a slight pain.

It feels like if I ran off-road now I'd be liable to twist it again and not be able to prevent it rolling. To be honest it feels like it'll be a long time before I can confidently run off-road on it.

I've been taking collagen/glucosamine supplement as I've been told it'll help repair the ligaments, I don't know if this helps or by how much. Any suggestions or advice?
