[QUOTE=Llani Boy;674106]
Quote Originally Posted by Witton Park View Post
I've been made aware of an issue with a Race Entry.

As you refer to a "Race Entry" WP I suspect that this is not a Fell Race entry.

I doubt very much this would happen at a Fell Race but if a runner presented themselves with that attitude I
would like to think the RO would tell him or her to go and be awkward somewhere else!
It's a fell race. And to be frank if you check out the Facebook thread on the matter, it makes me wonder what these fell runners would have made of an HIV runner 30 years ago. Lacking in empathy is underplaying it.

I know the runner and I know the background and I'm not going to set out his issue here, but it is a rare, but real issue that I'm glad isn't my burden to carry.

No mischief. I have every sympathy for the RO being one myself. If you offer a route to exempt runners though don't offer one that isn't feasible.

As someone close to a mask exempt person, I know the daily shit they go through.
Imagine you volunteer for a daily test just so you can enter your workplace, but people who don't, but wear a piece of cloth over their face think they are more covid secure and certainly of higher standing than you. That's every day for momths. Workplace apartheid approved by the management and condoned by the State.

So faced with 10 months or so of that, and you see an RO perhaps through naivety asking you for proof, you might not be so diplomatic in your correspondence.