I was active on 185 days

28% was running 50% walking 21% cycling (including indoor turbo and exercise bike)
1516 miles
94610 ft

Quite a bit down on 2020.

I don't even bother reporting on "today's training" at the moment as so many niggly disruptions over the 2nd half of 2021 it's not worth posting my most regular run, a 5k canal potter :/

As Martin Brady of Clayton said, just keep ticking over if you can. So I'm a couple of short runs a week, exercise bike and some weekend walking at the moment.

Tell you what though, I attended a charity night run a few weekends ago at Worsthorne, with mostly CLEM folk and it was a pleasure to run and feel part of a group again.
First time for probably two years.

So in the New Year, I think I'll try to get to my local parkrun again and hopefully by Spring be ready for a few modest local fell races again.

Have a great Xmas everyone and look after yourselves.