Warwickshire County Champs today.

A new venue and a very interesting course. Part frozen solid, part very slippy mud and field. First half mile of each lap was incredibly hilly for an XC course, and the rest of the lap was along the side of ploughed fields where it was very tough to get any decent grip.

Didn't have my best run, but managed 40:19 for a tough 10km (although i didn't run with my GPS watch today, but i reckon it was a good 400mtr short at least).

Rather unexpectedly picked up a bronze in the Masters Team medals. Unexpected as our top Masters guy ran for the seniors, and another regular Masters counter was missing.

The gamble from the management paid off as we picked up the gold in the seniors team (and the women's seniors team).

Good day for the club, but must confess i'm rather relieved to have a couple of weeks off racing now to concentrate on training.