I'm intrigued to come across assertions that the BG is 72 miles - most recently in Askwith's Feet in the Clouds, and on the BGR club homepage (72 miles, 27,000 ft of ascent). http://www.bobgrahamclub.org.uk/index.php?page=home

Does anyone who has actually measured it, really think it's that long? (OK I know it sometimes feels it).

Last time I looked at this, which was some years ago, I noted the following stats:

Tracing the route on Anquet: 60.9(flat),62.1(hidden)mi; 26,742ft
Chris U using Anq got 60mi, 27,200ft

Paddy Buckley's PBR details gave the following for the BG in comparison:
58.9mi, 25,313ft

Can anyone contribute stats captured on GPS?
