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Thread: Full Tour of Pendle - 19th Oct

  1. #1

    Full Tour of Pendle - 19th Oct

    Yep, that time of year again when the cake tins come out of hibernation

    I know this is the same day as the relays but surely not everyone is going to the Clwydian Hills??

    If anyone is up for a cake fest WI style after a trot round the full tour, then stick your names down and I'll see you there

  2. #2
    Master Stolly's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Re: Full Tour of Pendle - 19th

    Quote Originally Posted by emmilou View Post
    Yep, that time of year again when the cake tins come out of hibernation

    I know this is the same day as the relays but surely not everyone is going to the Clwydian Hills??

    If anyone is up for a cake fest WI style after a trot round the full tour, then stick your names down and I'll see you there
    I'd like to come along but would prefer an early-ish start (say 9 am) if at all possible.

  3. #3

    Re: Full Tour of Pendle - 19th

    Quote Originally Posted by Stolly View Post
    I'd like to come along but would prefer an early-ish start (say 9 am) if at all possible.
    Yep early is fine by me.

  4. #4
    Master mapper's Avatar
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    In Pendle's Shadow

    Re: Full Tour of Pendle - 19th

    Guys, enjoy yourselves on Pendle but please do bear in mind the erosion on the hill ~ many thanks. See note below from the Clayton Harriers website:

    Erosion on PendleThe Committee has recently discussed the problem of erosion on Pendle Hill.

    A particular area of concern is the path that has appeared on the Full Tour route. The erosion is particularly bad on the ‘Geronimo’ descent into Ogden and the descent to checkpoint 9, above the Downham Road Bridge (before the final ascent up the Big End).

    But there are other scars: Spence Moor (above Churn Clough Reservoir), the ‘Bunny Run’ off Deerstones, Buttock Fell.

    We appreciate that it is not just CleM members who use these routes or, for that matter, just runners. However, we feel that when we are out on Pendle, especially in large groups, we should try to avoid causing erosion, or making it worse. Please consider your routes and the possible impact on the landscape when you are planning routes on Pendle.
    See the light in the night

  5. #5
    Master Darth domain's Avatar
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    Re: Full Tour of Pendle - 19th

    i'd like to have a go (a trot anyhow), i'm near Blackpool if anyone would like car share, whats this stuff about cake??

  6. #6
    Master Stolly's Avatar
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    Re: Full Tour of Pendle - 19th

    Presumably to avoid further soil erosion all I need do is run down Geronimo keeping to the (potentially fatal ) rocks and mud rather than the safer (ish) tussocky grass at the edges?

  7. #7

    Re: Full Tour of Pendle - 19th

    I appreciate what you are saying Mapper and this I guess can be said for many a fell. I did see yesterday however a few 'new' trods appearing above and below 'established' trods and yes it is a cause for concern.

    For what it's worth I've never used the 'tourists' route yet off gerronimo and do indeed traverse further to the right heading for the wall and yep, try to avoid the rocks!

    Darth - all my recce's have cake. Nuff said

  8. #8
    Master and MR
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    Re: Full Tour of Pendle - 19th

    I doubt whether Emmi wears many paths out. She is the lightest fellrunner out there

  9. #9
    Master Darth domain's Avatar
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    Re: Full Tour of Pendle - 19th

    Quote Originally Posted by emmilou View Post
    I appreciate what you are saying Mapper and this I guess can be said for many a fell. I did see yesterday however a few 'new' trods appearing above and below 'established' trods and yes it is a cause for concern.

    For what it's worth I've never used the 'tourists' route yet off gerronimo and do indeed traverse further to the right heading for the wall and yep, try to avoid the rocks!

    Darth - all my recce's have cake. Nuff said
    cool, i'll bring the flask of tea then

  10. #10
    Master Ady In Accy's Avatar
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    Re: Full Tour of Pendle - 19th

    I might just turn up at the end for the cake (post your recipe through the cafe door - they need it!).
    Am working that night so 17 miles + cake may not be the best idea!! Well maybe.......

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