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Thread: Horrible leg laceration.

  1. #1
    Senior Member vburke's Avatar
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    Jul 2008

    Horrible leg laceration.

    Hi all - am looking for advice and sympathy!

    Was running with the dog and a friend at Gisburn forest last Sunday and took a tumble and ripped open my leg just below the knee down to the bone and totally covered in Mud, stones and all kinds of black stuff! (have a photo that my friend took in A and E will try and post it later).

    Thought it would just be a couple of stitches and home again but No they kept me in and operated to clean it all up. Came out of Hos on Tues, have crutches but can't really walk more than a couple of steps, am on lots of anitbiotics but allergic to penicillin so having something else. Have cancelled all my races for Sept - 3 Cani cross and langdale half marathon too and am not a happy bunny!

    Off to hos on thurs to have sutures out and prob more aniti bios as it's red and angry looking!

    AM SO BORED!!! what do you lot do when you cannot do anything!! Also let's have bets when i'll be back to Normal! ) i'm going for end of Sept.

  2. #2
    I need to run more. southernsoftie's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible leg laceration.

    Pah, 'tis but a flesh wound. Come back and fight. Etc.

    Seriously though: ouch. Nasty. Fingers crossed for end of September. My massses of medical ignorance tells me this sounds about right.
    "The best shield is to accept the pain, then what can really destroy me?"

  3. #3
    Senior Member philgreen1968's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible leg laceration.

    try an over the counter multi vitamin with zinc to boost your wound healling, and the obvious high protein,low fat, healthy diet.
    hope it all goes to plan mate.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Horrible leg laceration.

    It sounds great. Picture please!

  5. #5
    Master Ady In Accy's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible leg laceration.

    Hey you, good to see you here! Heard about your fall on club website yesterday and have just put 2 & 2 together!! Hope it knits up soon
    Last edited by Ady In Accy; 25-08-2009 at 08:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Master Witton Park's Avatar
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    Aug 2007

    Re: Horrible leg laceration.

    Hope you get back soon.

    You could always try debating with Christopher Leigh - helps pass the time - a bit like a track session - you go round in circles

  7. #7
    Senior Member vburke's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible leg laceration.

    some good suggestions there! Have lots of spare time on my hands - will do the multi vits too been off those for a while.

    Still trying to get the stupid photo from my phone up - need to pass the task onto hubby to do.

    can actually walk on it a bit today anyway so fingers crossed

    Vicci x

  8. #8

    Re: Horrible leg laceration.

    lots of sympathy! i too went to Gisburn Forest and hurt myself, but it was on the new mountain bike trail-its horrible!--you have been warned!
    back to your recovery-keep your pecker up and dont get stir crazy!

  9. #9
    Senior Member oleg beaviz's Avatar
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    Re: Horrible leg laceration.

    get well soon!
    i suffered a not dis-similar injury a few years ago, caused by a sharp rock making a big hole in my calf, cutting through several muscles and also cutting into an artery. I had the operation where they clear out all the dirt, but after it was stitched up, I could only walk a few yards for about 2 1/2 weeks afterwards, but once all the muscles had knitted back together, I was able to walk fairly normally, and was actually running again, albeit very slowly and only on flat surfaces after about a month. It's very boring just lying on a bed all day, but I was lucky as it happened just a few days before the 2002 world cup finals started, so there was plenty to watch on the telly. Still I gather that a new series of Deal or No Deal has started on channel 4 this week, so it's not all bad news!!
    best wishes for a quick recovery

  10. #10
    Senior Member vburke's Avatar
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    Jul 2008

    Re: Horrible leg laceration.

    THanks for the messages.

    Oleg - You have made me feel much better! just went to get the stitches out today which really hurt and was asking the doc when i can bend it properly and he said take your time and don't force it. But it has been just less than two weeks and it is getting better to walk on but i am hopefull that in a month i may be able to start jogging slowly on it fingers crossed. If you were able to sounds like yours was worse than mine as i had no major muscle damage same op though - clean out all the grit and mud lovely!

    Well sat here with my leg up again throwing a ball down to the end of the garden for the dog!

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