Originally I was into cycling - TTs, Road races etc etc. among my fellow competitiors were a couple of folk who ran and did Triathlons. But i now know dozens of triathletes who do very little in the way of 'bike only' races.
When i switched to running I was solely on the roads and i got to know many people in that scene. When i started on the fells i realised there was an entire different set of people/races, all just as keen on running but with very little crossover between the two disciplines. Then, just this weekend gone I have come to relaise that there is yet another big scene within the running community, namely ultra runners. And again, very few names i recognised from fells or roads.

what i am saying is that despite being a 'nation of obese, sedentary people' who need educating from the government, media, medics about getting more excercise and eating/living more healthily - when you quickly tot up just the sports/activities you know about/are part of, there are actually a hell of a lot of us who regularly compete/complete rather vigorously already.

Sadly i suppose for every 'athletetic' person there are 12 lazy arses who do nowt but sit about drawing nearer death with every day/fag/pint.