Quote Originally Posted by cotswoldrunner View Post
It's a virus. The only immunity is through exposure - catch it and get better. That's it. There is no way to prevent or cure the common cold because cold strains change constantly. You gain immunity to one strain but you are still susceptible to all the others you haven't had yet. No Vitamin C or Zinc or Evening Primrose Oil or Echinacea or rubbing mustard on your chest or wearing socks inside out is going to shield you from colds. It. Is. A. Virus.

Boy, I wish people would believe medical science sometimes.
That's taking it a bit too far. If you have a bad diet, have no sleep, and have close contact with people with colds you'll pick up more - so you have to admit at the least there are things some people can do to get less colds.

Personally my problem is catching colds off my children, and my remedy is to react better when I feel I'm catching a cold so that I don't get it as seriously. I used to keep on training hard until I collapsed and then I got the cold far worse.