Quote Originally Posted by Graeme View Post
How does Birkett divide his fells? Or is it just one big compendium of fells, his may be the way to go if you feel that the old man should be included. Failing that how about taking in the highest summit of each of the big lakeland massifs, which off the top of my head would be
Old Man
Scafell Pike
Great Gable
Dale Head
High Raise
and High Street.
Not a definitive list just a suggestion.
It could be argued that Pillar should be included in that, but it could be argued to be part of the southern arm of great gable, as argued by wainwright that the High Stile and Pillar ridges are pokes from the centre of a wheel. Plus you'd get more hills climbed.
Hmmmmm....... I'll give this a serious thought when back from holiday. It sounds like a good challenge.