I realise that this thread may instigate all kinds of inter-club rivalry, but would be interested in people's views.

I am new to fell running (Lothersdale last night was my 4th proper one), do loads of other things (orienteering, adventure racing, some tri's etc) and also started to get a couple of my boys (I have 4) interested. I live in Harrogate, but obviously the hills and most of the races are further West.

So which club (if any) should I join? I know that Harrogate Harriers have a few representatives running in races (I think I saw 3 vests last night, but they all seemed to disappear pretty sharpish as I was going to try and have a chat with them). I am not really concerned (or able) to meet up for club training runs as I tend to train in the mornings, so from that perspective geography isn't really the issue.

Appreciate any thoughts forumites might have.
