I think partly the reason that people buy pedigree dogs is that they know what they're getting. Though I'm not a fan of pedigrees myself.

We got a rescue mongrel dog about 2 years ago who was both very stubborn (despite being well trained) and liked chasing sheep. This was the worst possible combination, and was probably related to the mix of breeds he had in him. We had to rehouse him as we're surrounded by sheep farmers.

That was a mistake we don't want to make again, so we have since decided that if we do get another dog, it will probably be something similar to the one we already have (which we got from the excellent Millstream Animal Shelter in Droylsden, Manchester) - a collie lab cross.

I suspect there are many people like us who would like a dog from a puppy so they can train it how they like, and can be sure it's not been mentally scarred from previous stupid abusive owners. If we were to get another dog, we would certainly look round the local rescue places for a young (<1 year) lab-collie cross. But failing that, there is a breeder near us - so we would also consider this. I think this is a reasonable stance, and I don't think I should feel guilty about it.

Longdogs, I'm stuggling to see your endgame here. Many people want to own dogs - so people breed them. I can't see a situation developing where this stops. I agree that people should always consider a rescue dog first, but a lot of people (like me) have specific requirements.