Hi All,

I'm after your votes, and this isn't a wind-up!

A colleague of mine is up for a national award (the Innovation category of the Local Govn Association's Employee of the Year Award) for his work on developing a changing and toileting facilty, in Nottingham, for use by people with profound and multiple disabilities. These are people who, without the use of the facility (called a Changing Place toilet) could only previously go to the loo or have their pads changed by being laid out on a standard disabled toilet floor, if it was clean enough, big enough and their carer strong enough.

The idea of only being able to meet the needs of a disabled partner, child or relative by laying them down on a toilet floor to change them is simply beyond (my) belief and Martin is rightly being recognised for his work.

What's needed, though, is more Changing Place toilets nationally so people with such disabilities can access facilities that you and I take for granted.

I'd appreciate it if people would take a minute or two to vote for Martin, so he can publicise the work at a national level.

You can vote for Martin here


See more information on Nottingham's Changing Place toilet here


and see more information on the national Changing Places campaign here


Thanks in advance

Happy Running