Quote Originally Posted by chamber34 View Post

Has anyone got any training tips for BGR. Got 8 months training. i know 10,000ft is suggested pw, how many miles pw? Any good races to do and if so how many races, would you do as many races as possible to get race fit? Only been running for 18mths so still learning, trained for 3 marathons but nothing like BGR, how many hours per week would people suggest you need to commit to trraining
Any advice be appreciated.
What's your starting point? If you are knocking out 60-70 miles pw, and include hills in the training, then you're pretty likely to get round on that. If you want a quick time, then lots of long runs and time on your feet.

I did it last year. I fit the above, and got round fine. Longest run I did was a support of leg 3 3 weeks earlier. I also did Edale Skyline in the March. Other than that my furthest runs were around the 10 mile mark every so often. The thing that got me round was I was having a laugh with some great people.