Hot-footing it down from Penrith (after Linda's successful BGR) I had two days of clag and drizzle on the Welsh hills hoping to further my limited knowledge of the PBR lines gleaned from earlier years of generally wandering around the fells and more recent swotting up on the notes from other people's attempts. Training was good, route options were hard to see!

Two of us from Eden Runners (Penrith) are hoping to translate Cumbrian training into a Welsh adventure and have a bash at the PBR on Saturday 18th June - probably starting very early Saturday morning (1 a.m.) in Llanberris.

Any help with the navigation and pacing would be most welcome (especially the Moelwyns & the Hebog leg - but all offers gratefully received). Transport, car shuttles etc all sorted. If you might be interested please reply here or p.m. Happy running! Dave Sargent